5. The Day

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Zee's POV

Today is the day. I finally get to see Brian again. If you're wondering Brian is my youngest brother who was suffering from lung cancer is finally cured after three years.

I walked with tears in my eyes." Brian it's your favourite sister in the whole world well I'm your only sister but still." I lightly kissed his cheek." Eww stop it." He said trying to push me away.

" Can you just shut up for once please." I said. He remained silent." Where's Jayden Kayden and Jordan." God this child is unpredictable." Shut it they'll come later on." I said resting my head on his lap." Get off you're heavy stupid head off my lap." He said trying to push my head off. I got up.

"Did you just curse at me?"

" Oh so it's fine if you do it." He said crossing his arms over his chest." I hate you." I said smiling. I put my head back on his lap." I hate you too now get your stupid head off me or I'll scream." He said. I slapped his hand playfully. He howled like a wolf." Can you just shut up." I said. I got up and he started crying." Don't leave me like dad did at the baseball tournament." He said. This child!" Dad never left you at a baseball tournament. None of you like baseball anyways." I said walking out. I pulled out my phone and called mom and dad." Hey sweety his are you my munchkin." I could hear mom giggle after she said that." Brian's awake." I said coldly." Baby come on you know we're on a business trip. Can't you keep him company please." Dad said laughing." Why can't you ever take responsibility as our parents. It's always work or vacations for two. Have you ever thought of the fact you are making a 16 year old girl take care of 3 wait no now it's 4 boys. For the past years you have been acting as if I'm an adult. So both of you get your bums here now." I said and hung up. My phone started ringing and I checked the id, Maddie. Maddie's my cousin who usually took care of my brother's whenever I have to go somewhere.

"Hey Maddie whats with the sudden call." I said trying my best not to breakdown." Zee what's wrong now. I heard Brian's awake. Shouldn't you be happy." She said." I am. I really am it's just. You know what forget I said anything. Are you coming to visit?" I asked." Yeah I'm at the airport right now, where are you?" She asked. " I'm at the hospital. The one Brian is at. See ya bye." I didn't let her reply and hung up. Tears falling from my eyes.

Why can't they just be normal parents. Why do they have to make me work. Why? I sat down as tears fell from my ears.

3 years ago

I held Brian in my hands for the first time." Why does he look like you. He should look like me so he can be beautiful." Kayden said." What no way. If he's gunna be pretty he needs to look like Zee. You look like you came from a failed surgery." Jayden said." Jayden that's so rude. But thank you." I said smiling. His eyes slowly opened and it revealed a cream white colour.

" He is so cute look." I lowered him to show them. They screamed." Shush. He's gunna cry dummies." I said. He started crying. I sighed." You see what you've done. Keep him quiet. Go wash your hands and carry him until he sleeps." I said eying the bathroom. Mom woke up the time they were trying to keep him quiet. Dad was on a business trip at the time." Hey mom how you feeling." Jayden said jumping around. He nearly dropped him and Kayden caught him and handed him to mom.

"He looks like you Zee." She said tracing her fingers on his forehead." Be careful now." I said. She gave a glare." Shut up. This is my baby." She said still tracing her hand on his face. Soon as expected she poked his eye and he screamed and cried. She looked annoyed." Zee take him he's annoying me." She said. I looked at confused." Well you're gunna live with that for the rest of your life so what's the whole point." I said. She glared at me again. I rolled my eyes and took him. After some time he stopped crying and fell asleep." There." I said placing him in the crib next to mom's bed. She looked at me tiredly." Zee from now on you are going to calm him down." She said." What's his name?" I asked." Brain yes brain." She said and fell asleep." Okay. Brain. Wait who on earth would name the kid brain?" I said raising my hands up in the air and sat down." Why don't you name him?" Jordan said.

" It's not my place to." I said pulling out my phone." You did that with us so do it with... Brain." He said." Fine. Uhh how about Brian?" I asked. They smiled warmly." PERFECT!" The shouted in unison." Can you shut up please." I said causing them to keep silent.

After a good 3 hours a doctor came in." Zee who's naming the kid today." She said smiling. She's always known that I named all my siblings." Just wait I need to make a phonecall to confirm." I said walking into the bathroom. I called dad and he answered after a few rings." Zee what do want now." He said." Mom said the baby's name is Brain so I just wanted to know if that's the name." I said." Well I don't care name him if you want. Brain Rig Rug whatever." He said and hung up. I frowned. I walked and smiled." Brian Hayworth." I said smiling. She smiled." You named him didn't you." I nodded sadly. She gave me a concerned look." Do they know?" She asked. I nodded." If I didn't do some small changes his name would be Brain." I said. She laughed. We joined her and she left." Let's go. We'll be outside okay." I said pushing them out.

Present Day

Maddie arrived looking happy. I smiled at her." Maddie hey." I said hugging her after wiping my tears. She pulled away and gave me a concerned look." What happened to your pretty face. Not that you're not pretty but you have dark circles under your eyes. And your hair's a mess. You look hideous." She said cupping my face. I moved her hands and frowned. She gave me an ugly look." Even your cute frown is gone. Oh Zee what have your parents done. Did they make you cry again?" She asked. I shook my head." Let's go. Brian wants to see you and the boys. Infact where are they?" Sometimes they go and stay with Maddie for a while just to ease my pain. They came running and hugged me. Tears streaming down their faces." Zee a creepy man was following us." They said in unison. I looked up and saw a sketchy man looking at our direction. I bent down and hid their heads in the crook of my neck.

"Shh I'm here now one can hurt you okay. Go inside Brian wanted to see you desperately." I said smiling. They nodded and went in." There wasn't anyone following us I swear Zee. Please don't hurt me like last time." She covered her stomach in fear. Yeah I once kicked her because she was shouting Jordan. I looked around.

I saw an unfamiliar face watching us." Let's go." I got up and went inside with Maddie following behind me. Who the hell is that man.

Maybe he likes you or Maddie but I thinks it's Maddie. She is a walking model

Shut it



Hi sorry if you think it's short. I also think it's short

Please excuse any errors. Very sorry

Hope you like the chapter


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