7. Never trust the unworthy

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Silapha's POV

Just as I was doing some final touches on my dress I heard Thando screaming. I got down and saw her crying." What's wrong now?" I asked. She wiped her tears." We can't go the road is being closed." She continued crying.

I felt tears in my eyes. I really wanted to see gogo again. Gogo is out grandma who moved to Java after Khulu's death." No." I whined." Gogo is such an amazing grandma." Maybe we could go to I don't know Kacy's house." I said.

"Good idea but what about... Winter." She whispered the last part." Well what about her?"

"She's lost sanity." She said looking around as if she's here." I don't see why that's a problem. Plus she's locked up in a room and her dad always brings her food. And I really want to see his shd looks." I said. She rolled her eyes." You don't get it. She can kill someone why do you think she's locked." She placed her hands in her hip." You're such a bully." I said scowling.

10 minutes later

I knocked on kacy's door for the 100th time." Where is she." I muttered under my breathe." Chill she'll come." Thando said." What the hell do you expect. It's like -26° right now." I rubbed my arms as the cold wind hit them. I shivered." KACY ADDAMS GET YOUR DUMB BUTT HERE RIGHT NOW. ITS FREAKIN -26° OUTSIDE." I shouted angrily. Thando covered my mouth before I could say more.

She sighed and moved her hand after a while." Wait here." She went to the bags we took since they said we could stay over and brought a blanket." Only now do you decide to take it out. Satan." I said grabbing forcefully." Hey we were meant to share that." She said crossing her arms and pouting. I rolled my eyes and wrapped her as well. She smiled.

Soon that bimbo opened the door. She looked half asleep." Hey...?" She asked confusion written all over her face." Sleepover?" I said. She took some time to process it and grinned." Come on in." She moved out of the way and we walked in after getting our bags.

"I was never informed about it sorry." She gave a fake nervous laugh. We smiled. The heater was on so I'm guessing she fell asleep on the sofa.

"We can go out to the back. It's really warm there." She said. We nodded and placed our bags in a corner and followed her to the back. It was warmer than inside." Why is it so warm." I asked fanning my face. Yes I got hot within the five seconds I was here. That's how warm it is.

"My dad would occasionally switch on the pump which also produces heat." She smiled. "You're rich rich." I said. We sat down and stared at the night sky. Silence filling the air." Has Christine and zee told you about a sketchy man that's been following them?" Thando said. We looked at her confused." They described him the same way. Brown hair. Green eyes. Tattoos all over his face. I think it's the sam person. No that I'm sure but you know they way they-" she was cut off by loud knocks." I'll go get it." I said as I stood up and went to the front door. I opened aand a terrified Zee Christine Jordan Jayden Kayden and Maddie at the door. They burst in with tears in their eyes." He's here. He's following us we don't know why." Zee said grabbing fistfuls of hair and pulling them. I closed the door and locked it." Okay what happened?" I asked. I held Zee's arms since she panicked the most." T-the man from 'The Smiling Dog' is here." Kayden said tears filling his eyes. We heard loud heavy footsteps on the stairs. I turned and found a sleepy Winter standing looking tired as ever." What the hell is going on here?" She had a sleepy voice. Jordan who didn't even know the girl ran to her and hugged her." Oh beautiful goddess help us a man is chasing us. Save us." He begged and shouted. She pulled him away and smiled." I'm not goddess but thank you for calling me that. And who is this man." She said wiping his tears." The man from ' The Smiling Dog'." Jayden said." Okay look at me all of you. Sila you know where Kacy and Thando are go get them. Everyone else follow me. Kacy will lead you to my room okay?" Winter said and we all nodded. I left to the back and called for them." Guys we gotta go. The man from 'The Smiling Dog' is here." I said confused.

I don't know The Smiling Dog okay." Winter said we should go to her room." I finished. They go up and we went upstairs." Which room is hers." I mumbled. Kacy opened a door and saw winter comforting them all." Get in and lock the door." She said with a hard expression. We got in and locked the door." What about your parents." Thando said." If you've watched the movie Greyford only targets kids. So they're fine." Winter said. After a while we heard loud obnoxious knocks on the front door. Christine flinched. A rush of relocation hit her." He said he's my dad!?" She whispered yelled. Our eyes widened." Daddy issues." I heard someone say well we. We turned to Kayden who looked at us with fury. Gosh he is so cute." Oh come on I'm just trying to make everyone laugh." So we can get killed." Thando whispered. He raised his hands in a surrendering matter. He mouthed a sorry

After a while the knocking stopped but we heard light footsteps coming towards us. We flinched. "KEBECIKAN AND RYLEE!" Kacy whispered. Our eyes widened. They had separate rooms and they were on the other side of the hall." I can go and try to get them." Thando said.

" Well I'm coming with you. Kacy started to cry and started getting worried." Kacy chill. Okay take chill pill." I joked. It got her to crack a smiled but not enough to drain the worry on her face." Wipe that worry away from you're pretty face Sila and I will get them. We promise." Thando wiped her tears. I don't blame her for crying losing someone that close is like a stab in the back.

Thando and I got up and slowly opened the door. We peaked our heads out and no one was there. We got out and went towards Rylee's room first. We opened the door and there she lied peacefully sleeping. I walked over to her and slowly picked her up from the bed. She started waking up." Rylee we need to go okay go back to bed everything will be okay." I whispered. She eyes shot opened.

Can this girl not hear my words." What's going on?" She asked looking around. She sighed when she saw she was in her room. She went back to sleep. I carried her until we got to Becikan's room. I call him that.

Thando opened the door and and saw him sleeping. I peaked my head through and smiled." He's so cute." I whispered. She glared at me. I felt Rylee moving." Rylee. Stop." I whispered. She fluttered her eyes opened and it was so cute. I mouthed for her to keep quiet and she understood.

Thando got in and captured the baby. He opened his eyes but didn't cry as if he knew is. Well he did. Instead he went back to sleep. Can someone give me this ability?

We crept our way back to Winters room and found everyone calm. I sighed in relief. Thando flinched and I turned. Greyford had put a KNIFE THROUGH HER THROAT. I gasped as I dropped Rylee and caught Becikan. She fell to the floor. Tears gathered in my eyes." T-Thando." I murmured. He looked us and smirked." Oops."he said with psychopathic laugh at the end.

My breathing became uneven and soon I couldn't breathe.

Tell me this is a dream tell me this is a dream.

Yeah it's is. And when I wake up Thando will be in the living room watching Netflix. Yeah yeah that's right. She's okay she's just waiting for me to wake up

... Oh who am I kidding she's gone. Tears rolled down my eyes as I fell to the ground. I tried to keep it in. They continued rolling down my cheeks." I-its just a dream. Thando's okay. She's just watching Netflix and chilling downstairs." I mumbled over and over but nothing happened. A sharp painful object slit through my throat. I held my neck and looked down. Blood dripping down. I let out quiet sobs until I couldn't breathe.

No Thando and Sila have died it's not a dream.

If you are wondering who Greyford is please wait for the next book cause he's just a murderer here but I think I'll explain his purpose soon.

I'm not going to lie I cried during thando's death cause she was my favourite character 😭.

See ya in the next chapter 😔

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