4. She's Awake

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Nobody's POV

At the hospital

There she laid, Winter. She finally woke up after 6 whole years. She was awake.

She tried talking" K-Kacy." She rubbed her eyes." Where the hell am I. Kacy" she said. People walking by looked at her weirdly. She sat up straight.

After a few minutes Dr. Jay came by."Ms Addams you're awake. You haven't been showing any signs of life for the past six years. Are you feeling fine, hydrated full?" He threw questions at her but she raised her hand forcing him to stop." Hungry ,dehydrated and ill." She said. " Alright then Nurse Addams will be here shortly. I'll be calling you sister Kacy you're awake." And he left. Nurse Addams walked with teary eyes." Winter hey." She slowly traced her hand on her cheek." I'm Celeste Addams, your mom. Do you remember what happened." a tear rolled down her cheek." No I don't and who's Kacy?" She asked.

" That your twin sister. Your dad unfortunately died during the... accident." She wiped her tears and fed her her medication." Can you tell me about her." She asked grabbing a pillow from behind and placed it on her lap eagerly.

" Okay uhm where do I start. She goes to Tresna high school. She's got an amazing boyfriend and three friend. You both looked identical that me and you father would get mixed up. You loved her and she loved you. I'm sure she still loves you tho." She explained all the details of her and soon she got bored. Like really bored.

" Mom could you get me a snack I'm kinda hungry ya know." She said. Celeste nodded and left. Soon a new but familiar face popped up smiling." Hi Winter. I'm Kacy your twin sister." She said getting closer.

She smiled. " What year is it?" She said and laughed humorously."  2024" she said." You know when I woke up there was only one name lingering around my head. Kacy, so I start saying that and a man in his fifties walks in and Im wondering' is this my dad?" They started laughing and soon Celeste walked in again." Hey Kacy how've you been? I heard Rylee's 11 now right." She said." Yeah she really misses your visits" She said smiling.

" Anyways how are you guys feeling?" Celeste asked." Better than ever now that my dearest of sister is awake." They smiled.

1 months later
Kacy's POV

I woke up to the sounds of screaming. Why just why so early in the morning." SHUT UP!" I shouted covering my ears with a pillow." KACY GET THAT BIG BUM OF YOURS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Now who the hell is that." Coming." I got out of bed and went downstairs.

I found a woman in her late 30s walking up to me." Hi Kacy I'm miss Heather and I'm going to be you tutor." I gave her a confused look." For what now. Ma'am gets the hell out of here." I was about to turn but I felt a knife by my throat. Her voice started changing into a male one." Listen here and listen carefully. I am your tutor do you understand." He said. I coughed as I felt the knife going through my throat." To hell with you and get out." I grabbed a vase and smashed it onto his head. I turned and in annoyance I asked," Why are you hear Alex and did you not see that you cut me." I slowly rubbed my throat in pain.

He started laughing uncontrollably." You actually cut me." I repeated." No I did not." He moved my hand and saw traces of blood." Damn I didn't mean to." He rubbed my throat and I pushed him away." Get out." I said grabbing an ice pack from the fridge." I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He said again." I'm gunna  snitch on you get out man." I placed the ice pack on my throat and it hurt like hell. It never does this. I moved it away. He started laughing at my face." Leave." I said pushing him out the front door." Don't talk to me and good night." I said closing the door and locking it. I want to strangle him.

Finally a proper time to wake up. 6:45, can you not wake up then because then you are using voodoo magic. I got up brushed my teeth I felt a stinging pain on my stomach. I raised my shirt and found my burn wound." So only now so you decide to hurt me." I mumbled.

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