3. Logos Hope

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Cathy's POV

" And what did he say?" I was talking to Zee one of my friends." He said that I was crazy. Can you imagine?" She took a sip from her drink." Well you are kinda crazy. You jumped in a car and claimed that it was yours." She sighed and I giggled." One time." " Yeah but that doesn't mean you didn't do it." I smiled to myself.

I turned back to the screen and saw Kacy calling." Gotta go bye" and I hung up. I answered Kacy." Your idea our problem. They want their money." She looked stressed." Who. Thando and Silapha?" I asked. She gave me a ' are you dumb' kinda look." Okay let's pay them back. How much was it again?" Probably $5,000. " $200,000." My eyes widened. 200,000." I prepared $100,000 you?" I cleared my throat after she said that." Uhh.." I nervously laughed." Chill girl. I also got $100,000

You and you friend are crazy. Hiring private investigators is no joke and for what to find you. I say you guys stop

Shut it. You have no opinion.

I won't be here when she finds out it's you.

"Christ you scared me." She held her hand to her chest." Alrighty then uh where do we give it to them?" She hung up. After a few minutes she called again." In can alley." Then she hung up again.

"Cathy come help out with dinner!" I got off bed and went to the kitchen." Chop two onions. Then 5 tomatoes." Mom asked." But we're three." I said." I know. It's just the Angie family is coming over for dinner." The Angie family. Why does it sound familiar. It can't be Kacy she's an Addams. Christina's a Aguilera. Zee' s a Hayworth. Alex's a Miller. So can't remember.

" What's their child's name?" I asked.

"They have two. Kacy Addams but got adopted after a fire broke out six years ago and Rylee Angie." Aww wait kacy's coming. A light smile crept on my face." They're both girls so gotta be lesbian to love them ." I threw daggers at her with my eyes. I'm not lesbian.

" It turns out ,they wanna take us somewhere. I'm sure it's Africa or all around the world." She started smiling like a psychopath." MOM your hair is a mess. Why don't you fix it and finish the... spaghetti sauce." I said leading her out of the kitchen door." Oh okay just-" I didn't let her finish and locked the door after closing. I got a call, I checked the id Kacy." Right after you hang up on me." She rolled her eyes." They're coming to the school." She said." I gotta go. Family and families family friend dinner to prepare. Bye" and I hung up on her.

Ohhhh you should have told her you don't have the money.

Shut up conscious!

You can tell me to shut the hell up all you want but I, I'm staying for life.


" Alright time to to start." I whispered.

" So what is it you wanted to tell us." My nosey mother asked." We're going to Logos Hope and we were wondering if you'd like to join us. It's September." Kacy's very talkative mother answered." We would love to." Dad finally spoke up." Great first place there is Antarctica." Mrs Angie said. Wide smiles crept on my Kacy's and Rylee's faces.'' Like Antarctica Antarctica?" I asked. She nodded.

All together we shouted," WE'RE GOING TO ANTARCTICA!" Mom looked at us pissed. We sat down silently." Please forgive my daughter, Cathy please no." She gave me a death glare. I focused on my food but continuously glanced at Kacy and Rylee. They too were glanced at me and we started giggling. I felt a sharp stinging pain on leg. I turned Infront of me. Mom." Stop it now." She mouthed." Sorry." I mouthed. She placed a smile on face and started blabbing about places around the world." Mom I need the restroom, can Cathy show me where it is." Rylee asked in the sweetest but most devilish voice.". Uh yeah me too." Kacy said. She nodded. We got up and went upstairs.

" Oh they're dumb." I said. We laughed." What a great but dumb night. I mean we could have just said it over the phone." Rylee sat down and grabbed a book." That's the problem. They don't know technology." I rolled my eyes." But you can't blame them. They're like how old now 65." We each got our turns to insult them cause they're easy to insult." Okay let's get back down before they find out something fishy is going on." I said. We got up but just before Rylee went back grabbed the same book and came back." What you can't blame me." She said." Let's go." I grabbed her hand and we walked down stairs. Dad looked at me and started speaking Chinese."當時你在哪裡?" He said.( Where were you)

" 呃呃爸爸太粗魯了。詢問某人在哪裡" I gave him a disappointing face.( Uh uh dad that rude. Asking where someone was)." Sit back down. All of you"mom spoke." I'm not hungry anymore I'll be in my room." I said and went towards my room .


Chapter three done 💞

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