6. Revisiting My Sister -In- Law

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Christine's POV

I sat down giving Alexander a glare." Why are you such a cheater. This is the 20th girl. Come on man." I said standing up.

" Yeah but she cheated on me." He said. I gave him the most annoyed face possible." You are an idiot." I slapped him." Oww what was that for." I looked at him and he shut up." I don't care. You promised you'd change but no this is Alexander Miller we're talking. He never changes. And I feel so sorry for those girls. You used Cathy to cheat on Kacy. You used Cindy to cheat on Cathy then you used-" I didn't finish when Louis and Violet opened the door. I smiled." VIOLET!"I shouted happily. I ran to hug her." Christy hey." She said hugging me back.

Violet is my sister-in-law. Yes sister-in-law. She's married to my most boring stepbrother Louis. And the fact that she actually loves him. No offence but he's no that good looking for a man in his 30s." Louis hi." I said waving lightly and continued hugging Violet." Alex help." She said before falling. Behind her was my niece." Hannah!" I shouted and hugged her." Aunt Christy." She said.

" Stop calling me that I told you Christy is okay. I don't want that lousy Aunt in it okay." I smiled and hugged her tighter." Mom help. Dad, Uncle Alex. Uncle Nath." The she fell onto the floor. This time I went with her." Oh how I missed you both." I said smiling. They laughed

" Oh so they get a hug but not me." Louis said crossing his arms." Can you just shut up. I have been seeing you nearly my entire life I don't think you need a hug." I squinted my eyes at him. Alex hugged him and I was still glaring at him.

" Louis guess what your dearest of brother did now." I said. Alexander scratched the back of his neck." Let me guess. New girlfriend. He cheated then she cheated they broke up and now his with the girl he cheated with." He said. Alex laughed." Okay but listen that's not what happened." He said.

He explained with a straight face that she cheated on him with Nathaniel and it's worse than getting cheated on by your best friend." So you can't blame me." He said having a proud smile on his face. I got up and slapped him." You son of demon we all know that's not what happened." I said. He turned to me with teary eyes." Louis she's abusing me." He started crying. With actual tears. Okay that's it. I grabbed him by his collar and started screaming my head of at him." I swear if you don't buy all of them a chocolate and flowers I will murder you Alexander Miller." I said pushing him by his collar.

" Okay enough with those girls I got you by and you and Lucas tickets to uhh." He looked at Violet and she sighed." Malik remember." She said." Malik. No way I missed that place and Derek." Hannah said." But weren't we just there?" Louis said." So I still miss it and him." She shrugged." The plane leaves in next week Monday and will be leaving on Wednesday." She said and went to the bathroom.

Hannah went to the kitchen and Louis went into his bedroom. Now it was just me and Alexander. I smiled innocently and grabbed a belt I left on the sofa." Christy p-please don't do it please. I-i beg you." He said falling into the ground and moving back." Oh shut it. I was gunna put it on so I could go out." I said. He sighed in relief and left.

I think you should beat his bum off.

No are you crazy. Mom and dad would never let me

But Emma would.

Emmanuel is long gone.

That doesn't mean she's not your sister.

Thats enough from you.


I tied the belt around my waist and left. Soon I reached a bench and sat down. A man in his 40s or 50s sat down really close to me. He was pretty much on top of me." Uhh sir could you move. You're a bit too close for my liking." I said moving away." Why of course Christine. I understand." My eyes widened. How the hell does this dude know me name?" Sir how do you know my name?" I asked. He smiled like we were old time friends." I'm you dad Christine." His smile grew wider and wider." I remember once you were jumping on your trampoline and you fell. That's how you got this mark." He pointed towards a mark on my arm. I got that when I was playing at the park. Playing on my scooter. I don't even remember having a trampoline. I got up and left. I could feel his eyes on me.

Who the hell is this man


Sorry for such a short chapter I will try to make a longer one

Have any guesses on who this man is?

Hope you liked the chapter


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