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After seven years.

The clicking sound resonated, cutting the silence in the air as long denity fingers pressed against the keys of the laptop. There were piles of papers scattered all over the table, as the brunette focusses on something written on the paper and then again on his laptop his tongue poking out and with a crease forming on his beautiful exposed forehead.

He got distracted with a knock on his office door "come in" A soft reply came as an answer.

"Hey we are getting late" The person says, taking a seat on one of the two vacant chair in front of the table.

"I'm sorry, just a little bit more and it's done in no time" The brunette replied his eyes squinting in a pleading manner.

"I can wait an eternity for you, this is nothing" The person says with a huff, placing his both hands on the table and resting his face on his palms.

"Don't be so dramatic mingles, I told you so many times-"

"That I don't have time for such things blah blah" The person cut him off before he can even complete his sentence.

"But who knows when you'll change your mind so I shouldn't stop trying to impress you-"

"With your cringe cheesy line-" The brunette stops in middle when he sees the look that plastered on the person face.

"Oops- I'm sorry" He tries to stop the laughter that was bubbling inside him with every passing second.


"Oh cmon mingles I'm sorry " The brunette says, with a scrunchy nose.

"Alright bu-" The ring of the phone stopped him talking further

"O god it's her" Both of them says in unison looks of horror plastered on their faces.

"Cmon pickup the call mingyu" The brunette orders, with hurry in his voice.

"Wait it's your phone then why should I pick it up" Mingyu replied, with h 'duh' tone.


"No buts, now comon hurry, before she gets here and burned down the whole place". Mingyu cut him off, then folded his arms on his chest.

The brunette slowly picks up the phone in his hand and slides up on the screen to answer the call.

" Kim Taehyung" The person on the other side of the phone speaks with anger and irritation in her voice.


"Yah where the hell are you, and I know that dipshit is with you put the damn phone on speaker" The voice came with a huff.

And taehyung literally puts the phone on speaker even before she completes her sentence.

"Yah mingyu you fucker where the hell is your phone I've been calling you for hours now" The voice boomed with a yell that followed after.

"I -I mabye I forgot in my office roo-"

"I don't care just be there in the parking lot, both of you within ten minutes." She says, her words followed with a door clicking sound and the line cut off.

"Tae you go first, I'll be there after getting my phone yeah" Mingyue runs while saying those words.

Taehyung just stares at the door and his lips stretched in a beautiful smile. He got up after closing the laptop and opened his side table drawer, a wooden carved photo frame caught his attention and his movement stills, heart getting heavy with every passing second and a layer of crystal covers his eyes making them moisten, he tries to blink it away, hurriedly searching for his car keys, and as soon as he found it he closes the drawer shut with a thud and took hurried steps out of the suffocating room.

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