Chapter 1

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How it was, how it is and how it will always be.

From when I was forty days old I have a very clear memory of a man with a full head of hair putting the Union Jack onto a hat to celebrate the Queens 25 year Silver Jubilee. He sat on the floor whilst I was in a high chair. This was just before the queens Silver Jubilee when I was forty days old. There were celebrations in the streets and I can clearly recall sitting in the middle of the street at a table. This is perhaps because of the radically different mind which I am told that I have.

Apparently this world is my mind, energy frozen in the form of matter, they are the same thing matter and energy. Energy=Mass x the square of the speed of Light E=MC2 Albert Einstein's famous equation, most people don't know it but he was not the brilliant mathematician most people had assumed he was. He failed his first polytechnic admission attempt, his brilliance was the power of his imagination.

I will solve the Grand Unified Field Theory. This is the unification between general relativity and quantum physics. Something Einstein and all the many great physicists that proceeded him couldn't manage.

When I leave from hospital I will go to a place for very clever people, though I'm not entirely sure where. I will take mankind towards a technological asymptote. A point where technological understanding will advance no more because everything will be understood.

Billions and billions are spent on something the general public don't seem to understand. We would not have the internet if it were not for quantum physics research. Or the inter-grated chip of which much of the worlds GDP gets its source.

Scientists want to spend even more than previously spent on a new accelerator 100 km round. So that they can understand dark matter and dark energy, I'm really exited about it.

Something else I am super exited about is a space station. People say we should worry about the problems here on Earth before we worry about the likes of this technology and space. The International Space Station the ISS, which cost 150 billion US dollars to build, is not just built out of curiosity, the experiments enhance the betterment of mankind, like 3D printing organs. This needs special conditions like simulated zero gravity. I say simulated because there is only 3 or 4 percent difference in gravity to that felt on Earth. There appears to be zero gravity because the space station is in constant free fall around the Earth. The huge space laboratory is moving around the Earth at 17,000 miles an hour. It is constantly falling around the Earth but so fast that it never comes to land.

Both subjects in physics don't marry up because gravity can't be explained by quantum physics. Although general relativity which explains gravity and quantum physics which explains the very small are both well founded theories they can't explain everything.

According to quantum physics gravity is caused by gravitons that would warp space time. That would lead to more being emitted, that would lead to space time being warped even more, this would lead more gravitons being emitted, thus leading to space time being warped yet more and so on and so on.

Space time is Einstein's thought child, according to theory mater tells space how to curve and space tells mater where to go. If it were not for people like Einstein we would not have many modern electronic conveniences like microwaves or television.

In 1919 there was a solar eclipse telescopes were pointed at it and the starlight as Einstein had predicted was distorted. This shot him into mega fame as it was evidence for his general relativity theory four years earlier.

There is a reason for life greater than any scientific discovery or money or anything, once we self-actualise, transcend above all physical needs.

The greater purpose has always been and will always be love by the joining of minds intertwined. When all of this is over we can live together, for everyone that wants to see me I will be in many different places at the same time. You are all very special to me regardless of what you have been, we can love and share minds a bit like in the film 'Cocoon'. You can still make love with your loved ones and there is no prejudice where we are going, you will have to travel no distance, heaven is a change of mind state rather than location. Unfortunately there will always be the memory of hate, you will need it to experience love.

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