Chapter 17

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Osborne court 365 Support

I had a flat warming party the first night that I was in the new block of flats, we had some drinks and a lot of fun.

My closest friend of all was Jon we ate and drank together and watched Netflix. I still have contact with him now and another guy called Andy.

It was when I lived here that I started to go to karaoke pubs singing and dancing, for a while I only went to a pub called the Garrick Snug at first, they loved me there and I loved them. Later I went to Mckenzies and Charring Cross pubs, doing karaoke.

Sometimes carers would link arms with me because I had a tendency to fall.

I was known as the social butterfly. I went into six or seven different flats in a day daily. I cooked for the people who lived there as many as five at a time. For a couple of years I had my gym membership paid for by the 365 support company boss.

I celebrated my 40th birthday party in a delightful young ladies flat upstairs from me called Tammy. I spent a couple of hundred pounds on food and drink. I necked a large glass of a green coloured shot, crazy I know, we had a great time.

On two separate occasions we went to live in a mansion near Mold in Wales twice in a year for four nights each time. Then we went to Benidorm for six nights, myself and a group of seventeen people, eleven service users and seven staff. We went night clubbing till late one night I was dancing all night then in one club. I took my shirt off and the whole crowd went wild, this did not go down well with my staff.

Another time we were using air rifles and did pretty well and I was consistent, I said to the facilitator, "I used to work for the British government" for a joke.

One night I danced on the floor on my own for a while. I danced with some of my friends who gave comfort to the many ladies around me. I pretended to throw rope around each of the ladies that were sitting by the floor and pulled them in one at a time. I kissed most of them, some on the lips and some of them came back for second helpings. One lady asked me if I worked there, I explained that I was just a confident holiday maker.

The fifth college I went to was called Twelve Quays where I took on a diploma in science I had a lot of friends here. When I had something to say I addressed the whole class, I was super confident perhaps even over confident.

Other times I hung out in peoples flats all night sometimes playing cards, poker mainly. I'll admit I'm a gambler but a relatively cautious one.

I often appear shy but get me onto a subject where I know my stuff and I will dominate.

We had barbecues often facilitated by the staff but not always, a couple of times the service users or the residents took charge or helped.

During my course I went on a day I wasn't in college, I went to the Guild Hall to watch the world champions play snooker. I travelled there by train, had a meal, watched two games in the after noon and two in the evening but left before the final frame to catch the last train back. I went with my carer and a neighbouring flatmate. My carer was an ace with the snooker cue, he had scored a few centuries.

In science class we did various ice-breaking activities, the most memorable was probably the building of a tower out of some cocktail sticks. We also used I think marsh mellows to bind the sticks together. I assumed leadership and told people how our tower should be built, to make the tower as tall as possible, others built theirs even taller. One almost touched the ceiling, from the desk up.

We had quizzes in class using our phones linked up to the college internet, it was quite a lot of fun. I remember a few times using our phones to answer some questions on space. A topic which I had hoped to be doing a degree on was astronomy.

Sometimes I would fall out with my one to one and go off on my own. When I did this I was a danger to myself because I was prone to falling over and could sometimes become hospitalised.

humanity has never had life so good on so many levels. Financially, less violence and other things besides more democracy less extreme poverty. You have had your problems but not anymore, they are my problems now, I am very good with problems.

There is lots of poverty now but I think that's just a blip due to war but generally it's less extreme poverty.

I try not to be angry at anyone, my enemies are all elite and are very good actors. When I think about it I really have no need to be angry because they had no reason behind their actions.

My 41st birthday was held on the top floor of McKenzie's public house, so many of my friends came around from all around the town. Mainly people came from my block of flats, the brain injury unit and the Garrick Snug.

On my 42nd birthday day the same venue was rented by me. There were more people than there than ever before, including some from charring cross church. I sang many songs helped along by the DJ that I hired. Just as before there was our own separate bar, with a food spread provided by me.

At the end of the night in the pub I went on a club crawl mainly going to the Cool Rooms and Flannigans or something like that. I kissed about sixty women and a handful of men. The support staff with me was a big man who could have blocked out the sunshine if there were any.

The wild night was held shortly before doing a half marathon run, for which I was not fully prepared for. I could only run four miles.

Another one of my support staff used to be a professional painter and decorator and he decorated my flat.

I fell in love with a beautiful young sociopathic man. Perhaps not the healthiest relationship, also he was very clever, or so he said.

One night I ran away with a rough lot of lads, I treated them to good night out and I had a wonderful time. One of the guys actually lives with me in the hospital I'm in now called Chris. At the time of writing, he's not actually so rough, he's a softy, all he wants is a hug, he has a peculiar ear fetish.

I went to a football match at Goodison ground to watch a match between Everton and Crystal Palace on the 8th of February 2020, the score was 3-1 to Everton.

On the 11th of February, when in Clatterbridge, Lakefield ward, I had arranged to go to see Jimmy Carr but was sectioned the day before, in the police station.

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