Chapter 9

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The final prison

The huge gates opened and the mini bus entered. There were four other inmates hand cuffed to each other in two's, I was hand cuffed to an officer. I was told to strip upon entering the administration block, so that I could be checked for any weapons that I might have on me concealed, as standard.

My mind is this planet it's you that are the extra-terrestrials. I don't own this place it's your home, I just get a little intimidated when you think you can buy me, I certainly find it an insult when you fight wars all over me. You don't own land and you certainly don't own each other. We belong to each other.

I developed an ulcer over night in Risley as a result of my ulcer I couldn't speak properly but they got me to speak. Some of the people there as anywhere respected my intelligence and others thought I was stupid. They probable based their view on my speech impediment, which in time as I develop will be no more.

I walked on to A-wing the vulnerable prisoner unit, soon to experience many new things, the worst prisoners in the country came here. It was an old hanging jail, where two of my friends unfortunately hung themselves within the space of six months. I can remember the cell door closing behind me and becoming acquainted with my new pad-mate. Up until now I had only been padded up with two guys for one night each, one in each previous prison. I stayed with this new lad for 22 nights, I was glad of the company.

Right now we are in Hell, it's all you have ever known, it's something you will never forget and you will not go back unless you want. A few have chosen to remain here to develop society for the next humans in what I call hell.

I can remember my first time going down stairs for dinner, just as I had in my last prison. I brought the food up stairs to eat in my room together with my pad-mate. We conversed with people in the near by cells, some very tall young man asked me how I was through the windows, "I replied happy as one can be in prison". I was almost a year older than when I first entered Altcourse at 21 years of age. We proceeded to pass things from cell to cell, by bits of string from the blankets, this was of course not condoned by the PCO's, otherwise known as screws, by the some of the inmates.

I tried my best to circulate rumour V's counter rumour to later oust the newspapers. like he's very tidy man or he is filthy, or the reputation of a lovely man followed by my being an animal. I spread these rumours by suggestion. I know people find it intimidating but it's too easy for me to do this to people. Whilst I'm vilified on the media I will be celebrated for my good nature and humour at the same time, behind closed doors.

I love black people just the same as white people, I have been referred to as black. I'm sorry to correct the misled but to anyone with half a brain cell and vision I am obviously not black.

I do not like any racism, anti-semitism, sexist views of any kind, on that I will be absolutely certain. This is however not to be confused with discrimination, preference of one type over another is not just acceptable but inevitable, I cannot afford to be discriminatory though, you are all equal to me. If you'll pardon I must for now be with my many friends chosen for the sake of my development.

Prejudice is also normal, it's how you express it that's the problem, prejudice is an irrational view of a group of people and usually inaccurate. You can have positive prejudice like all red heads are kind to butterflies. Prejudice is natural and inevitable. However when you wake prejudice will be impossible, you'll know everything, even the things my guardian angels are aware of. They are the elite of the elite because they have seen me in another world where I am awake. You will know everything.

My one wish that I can probably never have is to be truly altruistic because it would be a contradiction in terms. It means to do something without anything in return, I would get something out of being altruistic so I couldn't be. It would be a contradiction in terms to wish to be altruistic. My job, looking after you gives me a buzz but I have no boss and no one pays me.

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