Chapter 7

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The coming of independence

My first flat was rather small but exciting nether the less, I still dreamt of becoming an item with my French penpal. But later realised that would be immoral, two thousand years ago she was, my son who those bloody Romans hung on a cross. My boy had become a girl, my daughter.

I can clearly remember learning about the first extra-solar planets discovered (planets around other stars). Found in the early 90's, I learnt about these planets in 1997 from magazines. I didn't learn about them till then because I didn't pay attention to the media and I had no internet access. This was as exciting then as moving into my new flat, to me anyway.

Even more exciting I feel is the recent discovery by the James Web Space Telescope. It's a hundred times more powerful than the Hubble Telescope. Astronomers have discovered artificial light on Proxima b in our neighbouring solar system. So much light that if there is indeed a civilisation living there, they could be very much more advanced than us. With the lights intensity it could be a huge city. Now a planet surrounding the Kepler solar system has been discovered to have a similar phenomena.

Scientists are still analysing the signals and the light emissions. Over five thousand extra-solar planets have been discovered and more are being discovered all the time.

One odd thing is that some stars have been calculated to be millions and millions of years older than the universe. When I awaken I shall explain all.

When I awaken the strength of my will shall be known and the power of my breath shall move mountains. We shall depend on each other for mutual emotional prosperity. I will be known as a player of games, mental games as well as other games. It will be said that humanity has been played by a player of games when the newspapers are ousted from circulation in my name.

I hold all the cards and the newspapers have already lost the game but they will stay and play and learn a lesson from the master.

In my flat I wrote to many politicians, former teachers, psychic societies and the Pope making prophecies . It was the psychic societies that pointed me in the direction of a spiritual church tucked away around a corner just off the street my flat was in. I regularly frequented this church for messages about my prophecies, not advice but just little hints that I was doing ok.

The prophecy that came most true was that Mr Blair would have surprising success in the Northern Ireland peace talks. I made that prophecy before he even became Prime Minister.

Once my poetry was read out on the radio about the world's armed forces being disarmed, which obviously didn't come true. What I actually said was 'love would rise up above my penpal and rain down on all the world, disarming the worlds armed forces'.

Shortly after making this prophecy a treaty was signed in France to disarm the worlds nuclear weapons. This only came partly true but my poetry was read out on the radio. This hit home really hard and I told people but they didn't believe me. I didn't know what to make of it all, how could I have known this would happen I didn't watch the news. Just some nuclear weapons at least were disarmed.

The third prophecy, which did not come true at all, although there was activity around the Middle East after making it. I later found out from a new radio of mine, about naval ships deployed to counter Iraq's military movements. According to my vision it would be as though a war had been fought but there would be no battle. Fought not with bullet of gun nor blade of sword, this was said by me just a week before I even heard of any military commotion.

I sat down in my flat and spoke to what I thought was God, I said, "Who am I"?

The answer came, I don't know from where, "You are the ultimate compliment"

This was certainly not what I had expected, I was not even sure what it meant at the time. Now I see that it means that I will be a companion firstly to all those with no other, also everyone as a friend. Because as one of my guardians put it whilst in Bowmere, I am not really a spirit but an entity who can be in billions of places at the same time.

Those that I work for, the elite, say that I'm the best but they never said what at. Now I feel it's clear I'm the best at mind melding, it's much much better than anything even chess. I can submerge Mankind, good and bad, in bliss and maintain it for eternity.

I often went to nightclubs, I love to dance and sing. I used to live for the night life which was not too bad until I started to discover life. Back in Chester I got new neighbours, who I hung out with.

I went to Hambridge college where I started a university pre-access course. I spent a lot of time hanging round with the leisure and tourism group. It was so cool the way I met them, I saw a nice girl and singled her out from the crowd and proceeded to chat her up. The whole class picked up on this immediately and I asked them to leave us, the young lady and I. I dominated that crowd from the word go, telling them all about my wild life.

After a short while on this course I got fed up with the constant complaining of stress from one of the students. I handed my lab coats in to an office and enrolled on some A-level courses in French, Geography and Psychology. I absolutely dominated the Psychology class. I had an answer for most everything, however I did make rather a fool of myself. I was already very well educated and equally as confident but couldn't get my head around the statistics part of the course.

When I was in the flat there were various guardian angels helping me with my job, giving me the occasional prompt. They communicated to me through a mirror in my flat, my life has been bizarre and enchanting throughout. I sensed a rectangular table with a lot of tall men sitting round it, with the occasional selection of guests, like those from college. I thought to myself I'll do some crazy things in this college. My friends from this college said, "We'll lamp you if don't," telepathically, this comforted me because it convinced me I was doing nothing wrong.

I came to Earth to be a human and to all intensive purposes I am a man. I am very proud of you all but let me worry about your problems globally, you really can't do anything about them. Soon I'll have you all wearing cheesy grins and humming your national anthems.

Once I followed the crowd down from my flat to the Chester racecourse. A little further down the street and found myself in Western Super Mare a charity fundraising event. I encountered a young bunch of people that called themselves the Leo's, the junior version of the Lions a charity fund raising organising committee. Soon as I saw them I offered to put myself in the stocks and have wet sponges thrown at me.

I later went to a meeting to discuss fund-raising. Later we went on a camping excursion to Ely down south, we went with charity groups from all over the country but the Chester Leo's were the biggest by far. We had our own chant which was one word 'Arse!' Which we would say over and over, we probably sounded like a rum bunch of folk.

I didn't stay with these extremely cool customers for long, as the journey was getting too cold. It would be a different story these days as I am much hardier to the cold.

I can remember leaving my small flat on the 26th of March. In 1998 for exactly 2 & 1/2 months I stayed in my second flat, till the 11th of June. I did a lot of painting and decorating in my new flat which was more spacious. I was socialising and experimenting cooking fresh meats but my life was still quite boring.

For a short while I did the Duke of Edinburgh Award at the local fire station where my mum used to work. A young lady one of my guardian angels, who is a splendid and dedicated individual called at my flat and accused me of a crime, of which I'm innocent. Which I shall allow people to discover when I am famous, you'll come to understand my ways. I owe so much to her, as I was subsequently incarcerated, which was more than I could hope for.

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