Chapter 19

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Meadow Park

I was admitted here on the 15th of April 2020 shortly after the new £20 notes came out. One of the clinical leads Phil became my key-worker, admittedly not everyone saw eye to eye with him, at times we didn't either. I think that he is a gentleman with an admirable ethic.

I became reacquainted with another rather large man who I knew from Scott Clinic medium secure unit. He had been my key-worker at Scott clinic and was now a doctor of psychology. He worked in different places around the north west of England.

One man who happens to be possibly the oldest member of staff is by far the fittest his name is Colin. Any one could easily punch the guy, question is could you survive the slap back.

During the week we have morning meetings we decide the day and make our requests in the foyer. We have monthly meetings regarding the ward issues.

I have known many people in here from previous hospitals and flats. many come here from Osbourne Court and some from Bowmere, next to the countess of Chester. Upon my arrival the first patient I met in Meadow Park. He recognised me from when he was a first year pupil in Sutton high also called Lee, we also knew each other from Bowmere. The school was transformed into a farm for children with special needs, later houses were built on part of the old school site. It was not far from where I am now, at the time of writing. Just 20 minutes down the road.

One lady that came in briefly who had spent time in my flat immediately after I lived there. She came here, found her sanity and left. There have been many more people, come and go. I have come to love the company of staff and patients, some who recognised me or I them.

The occupational therapist is to me my college administrative staff. She is called June indispensable as I could not do my college work without her.

I did a long distance course on nutrition, which should have taken weeks, but I did it in nine days. It would have been possible to do it in a third of the time but I had to spend a week recording my nutrient intake.

The next time I did a course it was a long distance diploma with Oxford open learning college. I had to write about Tzar Alexander II & III also I wrote about Tzar Nicholas, the revolution and bloody Sunday in Russia, not the one in Ireland. I wrote about Chairman Mao, the Cuban missile crisis and the Berlin Wall. The course was supposed to last a year but I completed it in less than two months.

I work very quickly especially considering I only type with one finger. I started an access course at the beginning of this academic year starting in 2021 in science to finish in September. I finished in less than two weeks. I completed four assignments before the course was supposed to start and handed them in a couple of days after the start of the course.

On the 31st October 2020 I moved to a bedsit, within the hospital for eight months and four days, ending on the 4th of July the next year. This was a room with an en suite shower like all the rooms but this one had it's own kitchen and was far more spacious. I enjoyed my own food and a lot of it was quite often from Marks & Spencers, same as my clothes. I have rarely had a financial problem, soon neither will anybody else.

One of my closest friends was Tom, we used to hang together and talk about all sorts of things. Some times during the night we would stay up late in the summer.

Ben is another one of my friends, we play scrabble and pool, he is so loose. We would also stay up late together and sometimes play monopoly.

The psychiatric doctor is extremely unpleasant. After one meeting I wrote all sorts of nasty comments on the walls of the hospital, costing thousands of pounds worth of damage. He is one of those people who likes to make up stories to keep himself in a job.

My dream is to radically change the world, but if all I've ever done is teach one doctor how to behave, my life of misery has not been led in vain. I don't think he's learnt yet, mark my words, so will all doctors more to the point I feel.

Since writing this book I have written two more books and in total I have had five actual physical books published. Which includes a science fiction book I wrote before this one called 'The Gold world' and an unedited version of this book. They have all been published in small numbers but if you're reading this it is the first on Amazon. The fourth was called 'Conspiracy Theories and the Reasons for Them'. The fifth book was about artificial general intelligence, called 'Don't Fear A.G.I.' The first book I wrote was called 'The Controversiality of Religion'.

The first book I wrote was made up of quotations of various religious and anti-religious figures, together with my own comments. The conclusion was completely in my own words. The people that supported religion were William Lane Craig, Stephen Meyer and Michael Denton. Those against were Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.

Sam Harris diplomatically criticises Islam, which is more of a carefully painted picture than a criticism. Whereas Richard Dawkins does not hold back in his criticism of Christianity. Christopher Hitchens really lays into Christianity. Surprisingly apparently he became a devout Christian on his deathbed.

William Lane Craig looks at the World from a philosophical point of view point. Stephen Meyer try's another view of the rationality for the existence of God. Michael Denton looks at a cosmic and biological substantiation for the existence of God.

The four known forces in the Universe are fine tuned apparently for the procreation of life.

Charles Darwin did not explain the sudden appearance of certain groups of animals without fossilised evidence of pre-cursors.

He did not even know of cells, they had not been discovered. A cell the basic unit of life is smaller than the eye can see and more complex than a Jumbo jet.

My autobiography this book naturally speaks for itself.

The Gold World is about humans traveling to the Andromeda galaxy to invade a world of Gold.

Conspiracy Theories and the Reasons for Them investigates the bizarre existence of an extra-terrestrial satellite above the Earth. The Reasons why we are Here, The Climate Crisis, False Awareness of Social Unrest, Why Religion and Area 51 and Life's Purpose.

Don't Fear AGI is about artificial general intelligence. The first chapter is about Dave Shapiro who appears to be an expert on artificial intelligence, he talks of mitigating the risks of this technology. Sam Altman try's to give reassurance about his company 'Open AI'. Elon Musk has dire concerns about the rise of the machines. Sam Harris is equally sceptical. Bill Gates analyses the complexities of the political and financial ramifications. Ray Kurzwiel speaks of the benefits. The conclusion is in my own words.

My support staff that occupy the most of my time are Chris and Robyn. They play games, chess or Halo on the computer in which I shoot aliens, we play in teams on the Halo game. Robyn jumps around shooting like a ninja on speed. Lately we have been watching YouTube, things like talks by Dave Shapiro on artificial intelligence, genetics or space.

Phil and Jess also come in my room and spend time with me. Phil and I talk about all manner of things, he reads my books in fact a lot of people do. At the time of writing I am editing this very book with the help of Phil and we are planning to publish it. Also Andy Brown the psychologist helps me edit the book. I play chess usually with Jess but sometimes we just talk. Jess does not like Halo, don't even go there with Phil, Halo would bore him, he's not the right generation.

I also wrote about philosophy, astronomy, mental health and the human body, but did not get them printed. As you can see I'm very well educated and I write on a wide range of topics.

I can see things most people don't see, meaning forthcoming events, only some really big things though. I feel that in time I will see everything coming, all you need to know is that I will be able to heal people. It's an everyone at once thing, so don't be impatient. To be quite frank I love being in the spot light, I do love people and I am quite the ladies man.

A new nurse called Patrick has become my new named nurse shortly before my 47th birthday.

So long and have a nice life everyone, I'll see you all in a bit, take my word for it.

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