Chapter 44: Make right

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Ash pulls a few strings of his own. . .


After the. . .Rather interesting meeting with Seth. . .I called in a few favors with some fellow gang leaders. . .

I had the past two days off of work, so I spent the time just working out issues with my gang during the day and video calling with Felix come night time when he'd get home from school, letting my most recent actions play out on their own.

Today though. . .The fruits of my labor were plastered over every news station in our city, the same footage of a man being led out of the court house playing out on the tv every three hours.

'Mob boss Steven Caplone arrested under a mountain of damning evidence and witnesses brought up by lawyer Seth baker! Sentenced to life!'

Smiling a bit proudly to myself, I took another sip of the spiced apple cider I was drinking.

And that makes right. . .Damn this stuff is good!

''Aya you have to tell me what you used in this!'' I demanded happily for the thousandth time of my equally cold but content co-worker who was pouring herself another cup from the massive thermos she brought in this morning.

My dear co-worker just smiled over her cup at the common question, her glasses fogging slightly as the steam got a bit trapped by her hijab.

''I told you already, it's just cinnamon, nutmeg and pineapple juice with some fresh apple cider. . .I told you this last year too!'' She chuckled out, pouring me another glass as I held my cup out towards her.

Pouting slightly at her very fair point, I sullenly blew on the steaming drink, fully pretending to be all put out.

''Yeah well. . .It never tastes the same. . .You're using some kind of magic aren't you?'' I teased, watching her fight off a laugh.

''No magic, just skill. . .Get good why don't you'' She teased back, causing me to bark out a surprised laugh.

''Aya! Is that you? Where's all this sass coming from? Whatever happened to my sweet and polite friend??'' I teased back, fully amused and overjoyed by the evidence of her growing confidence around me.

She just rolled her eyes at me, fighting a grin as the bell above the door let out a quiet ding, drawing our attention to the trench coat wearing man who was trudging his way inside from the pouring, freezing cold fall rain outside.

A familiar. Trench coat wearing man.

''Shawn! Where have you been?'' I demanded as the visibly exhausted, rain soaked man turned his attention to me.

The stubble covered, sleep deprived gang leader just let out a small sigh, rubbing at his eyes as he did so.

''Hell if I know man, It's been. . .It's been a long few years'' He chuckled out quietly as he moved to stand in front of our counter, the near constant smell of coffee wafting off of him.

''That it has. . .To what do I owe your visit?'' I asked, leaning against the counter across from him as he sighed, rubbing at his eyes as he did so.

''Can we have this conversation. . .Somewhere more private?'' The light brown haired man requested, glancing over at my manager -Aya- as he spoke.

I exchanged a glanced with her before she shrugged, her lips twitching up ever so slightly.

''I'll be in the back, totally not watching this on the cameras'' She called back as she disappeared behind one of the distant doors.

They don't have audio anyways so. . .

After a second, Shawn cleared his throat, shifting his weight ever so slightly from foot to foot as my attention slowly slid back over to him.

''What are you playing at Ash? You showed a bit of your hand this week. . .The other gang and even mob leaders are starting to realize you hold a lot more power than most of them. . .Why?'' Shawn questioned quietly, his gaze becoming a bit sharper as I idly picked at my nails.

''What power? I just run a lowly protection business'' I murmured quietly, doing my best to keep a grin off my face.

A fun little thing about my protection business was that I had all the dirt on every other gang leaders, mob leaders and even the politicians in our state and the neighboring ones.

Turns out a lot of people with evidence on powerful people seek out protection of some kind. . .Who'd have thunk it. . .

''. . .Has anyone ever mentioned how terrifying and calculating you are when you get past the tired, peaceful facade you put up?'' Shawn whispered, the smallest hint of fearful respect in his tone which caused me to smile.

Typically. . .When people realize how dangerous and powerful I can be. . .It's far too late for them.

After this stunt. . .They're already questioning and looking closer. . .I'll have to get everyone to lay low for a bit lest they realize I'm too large a threat and start monitoring my team. . .

''It was nothing personal, the Caplone case. I . . .Well I didn't owe him anything but it felt right to give a certain individual a win as a thank you'' I explained to the man who had been a very cautious off and on friend. . .When he could be found.

Shawn slowly nodded at that, his brows furrowing ever so slightly in concern.

''You. . .You damned a man to a life in prison. . .To send a thank you message to. . .I'm assuming the opposition's lawyer. . .'' Shawn whispered softly, summing up the honestly wild fact that I just stripped a man of his freedom for something that could have easily been done with a gas station 'thank you' card.

My lips twitched slightly as I lost my fight with a small smile.

''That's a pretty good summery of everything. . .So. . .Do you wish to discuss anything else?'' I asked softly, tilting my head slightly in mock innocence as the other man shivered slightly in fear.

''Have I ever told you before that I think of you like a younger brother?'' Shawn chuckled out nervously. . .Probably joking.

Grinning, I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself up off of the counter, going to pour myself another cup of cider.

''Calm down. . .I consider you at the very least an ally. So long as you don't hurt my boyfriend, you're more than safe. . .Now then, how have your soulmates been treating you? I do hope my last lesson stuck with them'' I questioned as I moved to lean back against the counter in front of him again.

Failing to notice that I have two unread texts from one Seth Baker.


Fun fact! In a room of murderers, mob bosses and assassins. . .Ash would be the most dangerous :D

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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