Chapter 5

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A couple of days passed since I showed up on my aunt and uncle's doorstep with nothing more than my name and a small satchel of belongings, but I was beginning to finally set in. I took several walks up and down the street of our neighborhood we lived in, taking in my new home. The summer air wafted around me as I walked, and I loved the feeling of the sun on my face.

Auntie Romelda brought home to me several dresses from one of her many outings to the city, all of which were unlike any of the dresses I had previously worn before. But, as I walked down the street, I'd be lying if I said a large part of me didn't miss the feeling of pants.

Once I had made it back home and had curled up in the sitting room with a novel, my aunt came into the room.

"(Y/N), phone for you."

I looked up at her. "We have a phone?"

She laughed a bit, nodding. "We do. Now, come on. There's a woman on the line for you."

She turned back to the hall she came from, and I curiously followed her into the hall. She handed me both pieces to the phone, one for my ear and one to speak into. I did as she instructed, and spoke into it. "Hello? This is (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)!" came a chipper voice from the other side, and I immediately knew I was speaking to Melody. A smile came to my lips. "How're ya doin', doll?"

"I'm doing well, how about yourself?"

"Oh, just swell, just swell. Say, what're your plans for the evening?"

I glanced over to my aunt, asking her in a hushed tone if we had any plans for the night. She shook her head in reply.

"I don't think I have any plans for tonight. Why do you ask?"

"I wanna take ya out! I promised I would, and I'm a girlie of my word. So what do ya say?"

I chuckled a bit. "Sounds fun, Melody. What time?"

"How's about five o'clock?"

"Sounds great."

"Swell! I'll come pick ya up, then."

"You mean Harv will pick me up?"

I could hear the smile in her response. "Now you're on the trolley!"

It was five o'clock on the dot when Harv and Melody pulled up to the curb outside of the house. I was already waiting for them, hair pinned back and satchel in hand. I was giddy with excitement but also a little apprehensive. I hadn't ventured back into the bustle of the city since I had first arrived, and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about the prospect. All the same, I was elated to spend more time with the first friend I had made since my younger childhood days.

Melody threw open the passenger door in the back from her spot behind Harv's driver seat. She waved to me.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Let's get a move on!" She grinned.

I smiled back, laughing a bit and sliding into the seat next to her before shutting the door behind me. Harv, who was wearing a cap this evening, tipped the brim as he looked at me in the rearview mirror. I gave him a friendly nod in exchange.

"So, where are we going tonight, Melody?" I asked my companion curiously.

She lit up. "I'm takin you to the Poor Man's Print Parlor."

I arched an eyebrow. "You're taking me to a poor man's newspaper shop?" I asked her, almost disbelieving. "Is this what Americans do for fun?"

She scoffed, shoving my arm playfully. "No, doll! The print shop is just the cover. It's actually a juice joint."

Timeless *REWRITTEN* (Beetlejuice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now