Chapter 6

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Melody and I had quickly made our way back to our seats out front and settled in.

"So, this is the Law guy you and Lucy were talking about?" I asked her, taking a sip of my neglected water from earlier.

She nodded, throwing back the rest of her own drink. "Yep! He's one of the runners for the Parlor, and also a student at Juilliard."

I cocked my head. "Juilliard?"

Melody smiled at me. "It's a music school here in the city. Law plays the piano and sings. Link usually has him fill in when the girls are overbooked or someone's injured or sick."

I nodded in understanding. "Gotcha. Hey, that other guy with him, you said his name was Sparkles? How'd he get that name?"

My friend laughed a bit. "He's the Parlor's explosives guy. Chunk of his ear is missin' from a dynamite incident back in '25."

"Oh. Noted." I laughed a bit in bewildered surprise. The things I was learning from Melody were nothing short of entertaining, if nothing else.

We clapped, and I followed suit as my companion stood, Maude bowing onstage before exiting off to the side. The two of us sat back down, and Melody grinned over at me giddily.

"He's really good. I wish they'd let him play more often."

"Really?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Mhm. When he told us he was goin' to school for it, we were all so excited for him. Jenny was always sayin' he should do somethin' in showbiz. Says he's got the personality for it. She was right, of course. I mean, it's Jenny; she's got pretty good intuition, majority of the time. Although, ya didn't hear it from me," she said, lowering her voice and leaning in close to me. I leaned in, as well. "I think she might hold a candle for him."

I gasped, smiling a bit and enjoying this innocent-enough, girly gossip. I never had in my old life. "Really!" She nodded. "How can you be sure?"

"Oh, it's as plain as day with the way she looks at him. Practically worships the ground he walks on." She waved her hands as if in worship and I giggled a bit.

"Well, does he feel the same about her?"

Melody shrugged. "If he does, it's hard to say. He doesn't really act any differently toward her."

"Hm. You think it's unrequited love?"

She looked at me. "For Jenny's sake, I hope not. For the drama of it all, I'd be fibbin' if I said I didn't think it's possible."

I nodded. "That's fair enough. I hope maybe he just hasn't expressed how he feels to her, yet."

Melody nodded thoughtfully as the lights dimmed and we turned our attention back to the stage. "Maybe."

From the side of the stage reemerged the brown-headed man from before. This time he was clean and in a different set of clothing. He sat down at the grand piano sat in the middle of the stage, smiling down at the keys before beginning a song. His fingers expertly danced across the keys as he played an upbeat tune. It was one I had heard on the radio in recent days. Called "Sunday", I thought. His voice was strong and slightly raspy, and I found myself enraptured. As he progressed through the song, he looked out at the audience milling about in the lounge. When his eyes met mine, something seemed to click. I felt my heart skip a beat and my breathing quicken a bit. I felt myself being drawn in as he smiled at me. I was sure my face was flushed, but I found myself not caring as I watched him perform.

Melody noticed my staring and gently bumped me with her elbow. I looked over at her.

"You good, (Y/N)?" she asked me, a small, almost knowing smile on her lips as she considered me.

Timeless *REWRITTEN* (Beetlejuice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now