Time has become an elusive concept, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand, yet it's been a tumultuous two years since my mother's untimely departure from this world. In that span, I've not only endured the trials of adolescence but also metamorphosed into a formidable force, surpassing the strength and resilience of most grown men.

My days have been consumed by a relentless cycle of violence, orchestrated by my stepfather for his own sadistic amusement. Countless skirmishes have marked my journey, each one leaving an indelible stain upon my soul. There have been moments of triumph, where victory was mine at the cost of another's life, and each instance weighs heavily upon my conscience.

Yet amidst the chaos and carnage, there remains a flicker of defiance within me-a burning desire to break free from the shackles of my existence and explore the vast unknown beyond the confines of these Walls. The longing to join the Survey Corps, to embark on a quest for truth and adventure, pulses within me like a beacon in the darkness.

Physically, I've undergone a transformation as well. My once-short hair, sheared in a gesture of mourning, has flourished into a cascade of ebony locks that tumble down my back, a testament to the passage of time and the resilience of my spirit. Each strand bears witness to the trials I've endured, a silent reminder of the battles fought and the victories won.

Despite the bitterness that festers within me, I still cling to the name Yeager, a solemn vow made to my mother in her final moments. She loved my father deeply, believed in the enduring power of love, even as he callously abandoned us to our fate. But as the years have passed, my faith in such sentiments has waned, replaced by a cold, hard cynicism born of harsh experience.

Love, I've come to believe, is but a fleeting illusion, a fragile fantasy that crumbles in the face of adversity. And yet, despite the darkness that surrounds me, a glimmer of hope remains-a faint whisper of possibility that whispers of a world beyond these Walls, where freedom and redemption await those with the courage to seek it.

As I sauntered down the bustling streets, my mind was a tumultuous sea of memories and emotions, each step echoing with the weight of the past two years. Lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, I barely noticed the world around me until a sudden collision shattered the fragile sanctuary of my reverie.

A small figure careened into me, and as I glanced down, I was met with a pair of innocent, wide eyes peering up at me with a mixture of surprise and contrition. The boy stood before me, his tousled hair framing his cherubic face, his small frame vibrating with nervous energy.

Behind him, a woman appeared, her features etched with a stern expression that softened slightly as she addressed the boy. "Eren," she chided, her voice carrying a note of exasperation, "don't go running off, and apologize to the young beautiful lady!"

The boy, evidently named Eren, mumbled a hasty apology, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Yet, it wasn't his words that stirred something within me; it was the sight of the woman beside him. Her presence struck a chord deep within my soul, igniting a flicker of recognition that threatened to engulf me in a wave of tumultuous emotions.

As I met her gaze, a jolt of recognition surged through me like an electric shock. There was a familiarity about her-a haunting echo of someone I had known long ago. It took only a heartbeat for the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place, and suddenly, I knew.

This woman, standing before me, was the very embodiment of betrayal-the one who had shattered the fragile bonds of our family with her deceitful actions. My heart lurched within my chest as the implications of this chance encounter washed over me, a turbulent sea of conflicting emotions.

Beside her stood the boy, a living testament to the betrayal that had torn our family asunder. He couldn't have been more than six or seven years old-a stark reminder of the time when my father had callously abandoned us, leaving behind a shattered home and broken hearts in his wake.The weight of this pressed down upon me, a heavy burden I struggled to bear.

In the Shadows of the Past | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now