Erwin and I lingered in the quiet of his office, the weight of our shared moment still hanging in the air. With a sudden burst of laugh, I broke the silence, unable to contain the mix of emotions swirling inside me.

"Oh God, I feel like such a crybaby," I confessed, wiping away any lingering tears as I looked up to see Erwin's reassuring smile. His laughter was infectious, easing the tension that had gripped me moments before.

"If you tell anyone," I warned playfully, jabbing my finger at his chest, "I will feed you to a titan myself." Erwin chuckled, his deep laughter resonating through the room. "I will take your secret to the grave with me," he promised, saluting me with a grin.

I couldn't help but laugh along with him, overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude for his unwavering support. Leaping forward, I enveloped him in a tight hug, the warmth of his embrace a comforting anchor amidst the storm of my emotions.

"Thank you," I whispered earnestly, my hands resting on his shoulders as his arms encircled my waist. Reluctantly pulling away, I glanced at the closet in his office, realizing I needed a spare uniform for the upcoming expedition.

As I asked about a spare uniform, Erwin rose to his feet and retrieved a set of clothes from the closet full of uniforms. "I don't have any jacket," he mentioned, disappearing into his room momentarily. He returned, offering me his jacket in the meantime.

"I promise to take care of your jacket," I assured him, with a teasing smile. accepting the clothes with a grateful smile. I then mentioned my jacket in my room, already drying by the window in preparation for the upcoming expedition.

"See you tomorrow," I said, rising from my seat and clutching the uniform close to my chest.  I bid him farewell, the oversized shirt draped over my frame as I left his office. Unbeknownst to me, a watchful eye had observed my departure.

I made my way swiftly to my office, eager to change and set off for Wall Maria. With a newfound confidence, courtesy of my conversation with Erwin, I quickly swapped my clothes and draped Erwin's green Survey Corps jacket over my arm.

As I strode down the corridor, I reflected on our discussion. Erwin had been a surprising source of comfort, providing a listening ear when I needed it most. But there were still parts of me I preferred to keep hidden, even from him. Nevertheless, his support had bolstered my spirits in ways I hadn't expected.

Exiting the headquarters, I headed towards the stables where the horses were kept. Spotting my own trusty steed-a beautiful grey horse with sleek black hair-I approached her with a sense of familiarity and affection.

"Hey, beautiful," I murmured, running my hand along her jawline. "How you doing, my darling?" I whispered, a smile tugging at my lips. In response, she let out a soft neigh, her eyes reflecting a bond that ran deeper than words.

With gentle hands, I fitted the saddle onto her back, ensuring it was secure before stepping back to admire her. She was a spirited creature, and one of the fastest horses in our ranks. But despite her speed, she trusted only me to ride her.

Feeding her an apple from my bag, I watched as she eagerly devoured the treat. She was selective in her trust, but with me, she had formed a connection that transcended mere obedience. Together, we were a formidable pair, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hours had passed since I entered Wall Maria, my horse Daisy showing signs of fatigue as we made our way through the streets of Shiganshina. The sun hung high in the sky, indicating that it was likely lunchtime by now.

As we reached the market, I unclipped Erwin's survey corps jacket from my bag and draped it around my shoulders, the fabric cascading down to my knees. With determination in my stride, I walked alongside Daisy, my ODM gear secured firmly at my hips.

In the Shadows of the Past | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now