It had been a week since I enlisted in the Training Corps, and each day had been a relentless whirlwind of training and preparation. With determination burning in my veins, I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to honing my skills, pushing my body to its limits in pursuit of a better future.

I made a decision symbolic of my determination to embrace change and leave the past behind. With a pair of scissors in hand and a steely resolve in my heart, I took a leap of faith and cut my hair, shearing away the remnants of my old life.

As the sharp blade sliced through the strands, I felt a weight lifting from my shoulders, both literally and figuratively. With each snip, I shed the layers of pain and sorrow that had weighed me down for so long, making room for the dawn of a new era.

When I finally gazed upon my reflection, I saw a different person staring back at me-a person unburdened by the past, unencumbered by the chains of regret. My hair, once a symbol of grief and loss, now framed my face in a cascade of freedom and possibility.

With my hair now falling just past my shoulders, I felt a surge of empowerment coursing through my veins. It was a small change, perhaps, but it spoke volumes about my determination to forge a new path, to embrace the unknown with courage and resilience.

As the day of departure drew near, I gathered what little belongings I possessed-a few changes of clothes, basic toiletries, and a cherished memento or two. Packing my meager belongings into a small bag, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me, mingled with a flicker of apprehension.

The prospect of leaving behind the familiar confines of Wall Maria filled me with both excitement and trepidation. For three long years, I would be immersed in rigorous training, preparing for a life of uncertainty and danger beyond the safety of the walls. Yet, despite the challenges that lay ahead, I knew deep down that this was my chance to break free from the chains of my past and carve out a new destiny for myself.

As I heard a knock at the door, I squared my shoulders and made my way downstairs to the Military Police. They arrived promptly, their demeanor brisk and businesslike. To my surprise, they made no move to take my bag, seemingly content to let me carry it myself.

Though their lack of assistance could have been seen as a slight, I welcomed the opportunity to prove my self-sufficiency. With a determined nod, I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder, ready to embark on the next chapter of my journey

As the carriage rolled along the uneven terrain, the rhythmic clatter of hooves echoed in the silent air. Inside, Ella sat quietly, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside. Her jet-black hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her face adorned with a sprinkling of freckles. Despite the solemn atmosphere, her piercing green eyes held a determined glint, betraying the storm of thoughts swirling within.

Hours seemed to slip by unnoticed until finally, the carriage came to a stop within the confines of Wall Rose, the second line of defense against the Titans. Stepping out onto the dusty ground, Ella was met by a guide who led her wordlessly towards the barracks of the Training Corps. She followed without a word of gratitude, her silence a testament to the bitterness that simmered beneath the surface.

Arriving at her assigned room, she pushed open the door to find three other girls already settled inside, making them four in total. Without a word, she claimed an empty bunk and began to unpack her sparse belongings. Her new roommates cast curious glances her way, but Ella paid them no mind, her focus solely on the task at hand.

As I meticulously organized my belongings in the spartan barracks, the rhythmic clinking of metal against metal filled the air. It was a comforting sound, a distraction from the chaos swirling inside my mind. But my focus was abruptly shattered by the arrival of a girl with strawberry hair and a beaming smile.

In the Shadows of the Past | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now