TW:Long ass Chapter
Days passed, and my efforts to avoid Levi intensified. His gaze would linger on me during meals, but I refused to avert my eyes. Instead, I met his stare with a defiant glare. My training sessions grew longer, as if I were striving to become even stronger. Meanwhile, Moses showed signs of improvement, yet he surprised everyone when he humbled himself before me, admitting he felt unworthy of his captaincy. Witnessing him on his knees, it stirred a sense of power within me, as if he was acknowledging my authority with reverence.

I found myself forging bonds with the higher-ranked officers, except for Levi, whom I harbored deep animosity towards. My relationship with Erwin blossomed, evolving into a friendship built on trust, though I remained cautious, understanding that trust is earned, not given freely. With individuals like Miche and Hange, our camaraderie grew stronger. Hange's carefree and eccentric nature brought joy to my days, always finding a way to make me laugh or smile. Miche, on the other hand, became my training partner and even offered invaluable assistance in improving my skills. Despite his quiet demeanor, those who knew him closely, like me, discovered his hidden humor, making our interactions both enjoyable and meaningful.

With the expedition looming just two days away, the idea of visiting Wall Maria before departure crossed my mind. Perhaps I could catch a glimpse of Eren and attempt to reconnect, to see if he remembers me. Lost in thought, I was abruptly brought back to reality as I found myself standing before the mess hall door. Grabbing a tray, I made my way to the table of the high-ranked officers. As I approached, I acknowledged my squad mates with a wave; they were accustomed to my occasional presence among the higher-ups. Taking a seat next to Erwin, I greeted everyone with a smile, scanning the faces until my gaze met Levi's. Instantly, my smile vanished, replaced by a grimace and a piercing glare, my feelings towards him laid bare for all to see

I shifted my gaze away from Levi, not wanting to engage in another futile argument with him. "Erwin, do you think I could go to Wall Maria before the expedition?" I asked, getting straight to the point. Before Erwin could respond, a scoff came from Levi. "Already running away from the expedition, brat," he retorted, his glare intensifying. I couldn't help but notice how his perpetual scowl might prematurely age him; if only he weren't so infuriating, he might have been considered handsome. Wait, what am I thinking? I grimaced at the notion, quickly returning my attention to Erwin, who appeared lost in contemplation, weighing the options.

"I'll meet you in front of Wall Maria before we depart for the expedition," I suggested, hoping he would agree. Before Erwin could respond, Levi interjected, his deep voice interrupting the conversation. "Erwin, this is a bad idea," he declared.

,,You can leave tomorrow for Shiganshina" Erwin proposed Ignoring Levi's objection, eliciting a smile from me, revealing faint dimples on my cheeks in excitement. Caught up in the moment, I impulsively hugged Erwin from the side, earning startled looks from everyone present. Realizing my blunder, I quickly released him, coughing awkwardly while sporting a sheepish smile.

As my hand instinctively reached for the necklace containing my mother's ring, hidden beneath my uniform, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation for the upcoming journey to Wall Maria.

As breakfast neared its end, I excused myself, feeling a surge of uncertainty creeping in. What if Eren didn't recognize me? The thought of looking like a fool made me cringe inwardly. I yearned to know Eren, to become a significant presence in his life—a confidante, a source of comfort. I wanted to shoulder his burdens, to be someone he could trust implicitly. Though I cared deeply for him, the truth remained that I barely knew him. I didn't know if he had friends, what his favorite food was, or even what he enjoyed doing in his spare time. But despite the gaps in my knowledge, I was willing to do anything for him. I was prepared to protect him at all costs, even if it meant setting the world ablaze to keep him safe.

In the Shadows of the Past | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now