As I approached Erwin and Levi, their conversation seemed tense, Levi's usual grimace contrasting with Erwin's composed demeanor. Despite the gravity of their discussion, I couldn't resist injecting a bit of levity into the situation.

"I told you not to trust her," Levi's words rang out, his tone sharp with suspicion.

With a mischievous twinkle in my eye, I echoed Levi's sentiment in a mocking tone. "I told you not to trust her," I repeated, my voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

Levi's glare intensified, his gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that made me pout in response. Undeterred, I focused on unclipping Erwin's jacket, As I reached for my own jacket, I noticed Erwin already holding it in his lap.

Leaning forward slightly, my hand resting on Erwin's knee for support, I leaned closer so i could whisper in his ear i met Levi piercing gaze with unwavering determination.As if we were playing a game to see who breaks the eye contact first.

"We have to talk after the expedition," I stated firmly, my voice devoid of any hint of jest or frivolity.

I retracted my gaze from Levi, shifting my focus back to Erwin, who nodded in acknowledgment of my statement. Lost in thought, my mind wandered back to the mysterious room I had discovered earlier. What were those empty containers for? And the unfamiliar medicines—what purpose did they serve? Despite my curiosity, I knew I had to set aside these questions for the time being.

"El!" The sound of someone calling my name snapped me out of my reverie. Turning my head, I spotted Eren energetically jumping up and down, Armin waving enthusiastically beside him, and Mikasa wearing her characteristic small smile. Their presence didn't fail to lift my spirit, and I couldn't help but smile back at them.

Caught in a moment of warmth, I glanced down at my horse, attempting to suppress the grin that threatened to spread across my face.

Feeling Levi's intense gaze on me, I looked up to see him watching me closely. Riding to his side, I positioned myself between Erwin and Levi, feeling a sense of tension in the air.

"So, what do you think about a game?" I asked, a smirk playing on my lips as I gripped my horse's neck. Despite being shorter than Levi, I appeared taller due to the elevation provided by my horse. Leaning forward, I closed the distance between us, our faces mere inches apart.

Levi gave me a disapproving glance, but I persisted, undeterred by his reaction. "Let's see who kills more titans," I proposed, leaning in even closer, the space between us diminishing, yet maintaining a clear boundary.

I glanced at his lips for a split second, a momentary slip-up that I hoped went unnoticed. But Levi caught it, his smirk growing as he observed my reaction. "What does the winner get?" he inquired, seemingly intrigued by the idea of our game.

"The winner can decide," I replied, my confidence unwavering. "Well, if I win, I want you to clean my office and serve me for a whole day."

Levi's hand suddenly appeared, pushing my face away with a dry chuckle. "What made you think you would win?" he asked mockingly.

My smirk only grew wider at his challenge. "Because I always win," I answered confidently, meeting his gaze with determination.

As our conversation was interrupted by Erwin's loud shouting, I swiftly made my way to the middle, right behind Erwin and Levi, where my squad was stationed. Joining them

Lost in the labyrinth of my own thoughts, Erwin's speech became distant background noise. My mind wandered to the uncertainties awaiting us on the other side. Glancing to my right, I caught Eren's worried gaze. Despite my inward turmoil, I managed a reassuring smile in his direction, silently promising him that I would always find my way back to him.

In the Shadows of the Past | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now