TW:Long ass Chapter
The first Year was dominated by classes, a tedious routine of study and learning. For me, it was a dull affair since I already knew everything. I held the top spot in academics among the 102nd Corps. Each morning, before the sun even dared to rise, I embarked on my training regimen. However, ODM-gear practice was out of the question; it was locked away, and any unauthorized use would be obvious due to the gas. Thus, I focused solely on honing my hand-to-hand combat skills and building my endurance.

As the days passed, I found myself growing closer to Petra, Nanaba, and Maki. Petra, in particular, introduced me to Gunther, Eld, and Oluo. Despite the camaraderie during the day, my nights were spent in solitary pursuits. I'd stay awake, venturing outside to gaze at the stars and lose myself in the pages of a book about medicine. It was during these quiet moments that I found solace, away from the monotony of the day.

As we embarked on the second year of our training in the Corps, the focus shifted to classes coupled with hand-to-hand combat. It was a change of pace that I welcomed eagerly, for hand-to-hand combat was my forte, my signature move. The absence of ODM-gear left a void, but the thrill of close combat compensated for it.

Sadise, as usual, prowled the grounds, selecting pairs for combat. When his finger pointed at me, and then at the field, indicating my opponent, Eld, I felt a flicker of anticipation. Eld was renowned for his strength, but I was no stranger to overcoming odds.

Oluo's protest about the unfairness only fueled my determination. With a swift movement, I grabbed a wooden knife, hurling it towards Eld's direction, my challenge clear. "Show me what you can do, big boy," I taunted, a smirk playing on my lips as I nonchalantly slipped my hands into my pockets. This would be my debut in the ring, and I relished the prospect of a challenge.

As I stood there, facing off against Eld, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. With a subtle turn of my head, I caught sight of a trio observing our bout. Among them was a tall, muscular man with blonde hair, though I couldn't discern the color of his eyes from this distance. Beside him stood a smaller man with jet-black hair, his arms folded across his chest in a display of confidence. And next to him was a woman, her messy brown hair peeking out from beneath a pair of goggles, eagerly jotting down notes on a pad.

Were they watching us, or just me? The question nagged at me as I tilted my head to the side, maintaining my gaze on them. Suddenly, I sensed Eld's movement, the shift in the air signaling his advance. Without breaking eye contact with the trio, my stocic expression transformed into a sly smirk. With my hands still tucked in my pockets, I effortlessly dodged Eld's punch, the rush of wind only adding to the intensity of the moment. I averted my gaze from them to my opponent Eld.

As Eld lunged forward with the wooden knife in hand, aiming for my midsection, I merely smirked, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. His movements were predictable, his intentions clear as day. I didn't need to rely on my eyes to anticipate his next move; I could feel it in the subtle shifts of his body, the tension in the air.

With practiced ease, I sidestepped his attack, feeling the whoosh of air as his fist sailed past me. His frustration was palpable, evident in the way his movements became more erratic, less controlled. But I remained calm, cool, collected, my hands casually tucked into my pockets as if I were merely out for a leisurely stroll.

As he pressed his assault, I continued to evade his strikes with ease, each movement calculated, precise. It was almost too easy, like dancing through a choreographed routine. A smirk played at the corners of my lips, a silent challenge to his brute strength and aggression.

But beneath my calm exterior, a fire burned within me, a hunger for the thrill of battle, the rush of victory. I may not have been the biggest or the strongest, but I was agile, cunning, a force to be reckoned with.

In the Shadows of the Past | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now