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I was standing at the airport taking a last look at my sister. I knew I had to do this, there was no other way. Even though I never told her, I'm sure she knew what was going on, she could always read me like a book. She waved and gave me a small smile which I returned. It was going to be a long flight but hopefully someday I can feel safe again.

My name is Ricky, I just turned 20 and I'm from Seattle. I am currently on my way to Scranton, Pennsylvania. Hoping to be far enough away from my ex-boyfriend Jake. I met him three years ago and fell in love with him. In the beginning he seemed like a really great guy, spoiling me, he was caring, and always there for me. But this soon turned into controlling behavior. He controlled me and every step I took. I never had many friends in school, being a goth faggot as people liked to call me. But I still had this small group of friends that I loved to death. This changed when Jake started to get abusive and behaved like he owned me. I saw them less and less and soon I lost my friends. After having to find a different excuse as to why I can't go out with them every day, they stopped asking. Jake didn't like them, and he wanted me to spend all my time with him. If I didn't do as he told me, he would punish me. I tried my best to be a good boyfriend to him, but everything I did seemed to be wrong. At the end he would hit me for the smallest reasons. Every day I had to cover up new marks on my face, so no one would notice. After a while I couldn't take it anymore, so I booked a flight to Scranton to start a new life. I want to go to a film school there, that has always been my dream. I will hopefully find a job in the meantime so I can save some more money to fulfill my dream. I told my parents that I broke up with Jake, that we have had a nasty fight and that if he would ask them where I went, they shall lie to him. My mom looked at me in a way that I knew she knew more than I would have liked. I never told them that he was abusive, but I know she never liked nor trusted him. He was older than me and she always told me to be careful with him. My parents knew about my passion for music, art, and editing videos, they always supported me, so they were happy for me to go to film school and find my own way in this world.

So here I am now, in a new city, with only one goal: starting a new, and happy life.

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