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Two years later


Today is our first sold out show and we couldn't be happier. The band is going stronger than ever before. Ricky and I are still in love, and we are on our first world tour. The show is almost over, we have one song left and I have something special planned. Everyone in the band - besides Ricky - knows what's up and it's just too cute how he looks so confused, when I start talking to the crowd instead of starting the last song.

"So guys, our show is almost over, but before we play one more song for you, I have to do something really important. And I really love that I can share this moment with you and my best friends." I walk towards Ricky, who is still looking confused and looks at me with his big blue eyes. "Ricky, my love", I start, and he instantly blushes. "Two years ago today, I promised you to love you forever and told you I would ask you to marry me someday. So, I figured why not do it today at our first sold out show. I really can't wait any longer", I say smiling and going down on my left knee. Ricky already has tears in his eyes as I continue, "You are the person I can always trust and rely on. You give me a reason and purpose in life, and I want to make you the happiest person in the world. I love you more and more every day and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Ricky Olson, will you marry me?", I open the little black box with the ring inside and look up at him.

It is completely quiet in this venue, you couldn't hear a thing and then Ricky opens his mouth and finally says, "Yes, Chris. Fuck yes. Definitely". I put the ring on his finger, stand up and kiss him. Everyone starts screaming and congratulating us. Ricky and I are crying and smiling at each other.

"I'm just glad you didn't ruin the moment again by calling me Richard", he says, and I start laughing. We continue the show happier than we were a few minutes ago. I can't believe standing on this stage doing what I love with the people that I love - my friends and my perfect fiancé.

Time skip


I fall more in love with Chris every day. All the little things he is always doing for me, I couldn't ask for a better fiancé. Also the fact that he always makes sure everyone else is happy, he's so selfless and he was able to fix me. I no longer feel broken. He has made me whole again, and I couldn't be more grateful for this.

I have finally achieved my goals. Even though I never went to film school, I take care of our music videos now. And the most important goal of starting a new and happy life, I have fulfilled with Chris by my side. I still can't believe that we are about to get married. In a few minutes I can finally call Chris my husband. Moving to Scranton all these years ago was the best decision I could ever have made. Now it's time for me to walk down the aisle and start a new chapter of our life.

When the door opens, I see all our friends and families looking at me. And at the end of the aisle is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Chris looks illegally handsome in his suit. Our eyes meet and we both start to grin. Fuck, I love this man.

The End.

Thanks for reading this story :)

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