Chapter 2: Handsome stranger

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I am still writing some stuff in my notebook as I notice a guy walking towards the counter. He is wearing a Misfits shirt, and he has some really cool tattoos and three lip piercings. Fuck, he is extremely good looking, and I notice how I start blushing. Stay calm, Ricky! It's just a tall, handsome guy who is exactly your type. No need to be awkward, I tell myself. "Hi", I greet him and play with my lip rings, as I am nervous as fuck. "Hey", he replies, "is Josh here?", he asks. "Err, no, um" get a grip, Ricky!, "he actually left like 15 minutes ago". I am kind of proud of me that I didn't stutter that bad. "Oh well", the handsome guy answers, "I actually wanted to ask him if we can leave some flyers here", he points towards some other guys in the shop with a similar style, "we are looking for a new guitarist for our band and thought that a shop like this was maybe a good place to leave some flyers, you know?" I am so lost in his eyes that I almost forget to answer. "Oh yes, sure. Well, you can just leave them here at the counter and then I will ask my manager if that's fine", I smile at him. "Thanks man, that would be awesome", he smiles back at me. 

"I have never seen you here before, are you new here?", he asks. "Yeah, I moved here a few weeks ago", I say shyly. He leans on the counter, looking at my notebook and then back at me. "That's cool. Nice shirt by the way". I look down at my HIM shirt and give him a shy smile while muttering a small thanks and notice that I blush even harder. I don't know why he makes me so nervous but damn, he is just so beautiful, and his voice is so soothing, I could listen to him talk about random stuff for hours. "Stop flirting Sledgehammer, and get your ass back here", one of his friend shouts towards him. "Shut up, Ryan", the handsome stranger shouts back and flips him off. "Guess I have to go", he says while looking into my eyes. "Okay, Sledgehammer, see you around" I say while laughing. He winks at me and walks towards his friends. Fuck, I really have to see him again. I pick up a flyer and laugh even harder wondering if my face is pretty enough to give it a try. But I know my social anxiety would never let me audition for them.


"So, I guess Josh wasn't there?", Justin asks while we walk back towards my car. "No, but this guy – shit I should have asked for his name – well, he told me he would ask the manager about putting up some flyers around the shop", I answer. "What the fuck Chris, you spend like hours talking to him, more or less eye fucking him, and didn't even ask his name?", Ryan says and starts laughing. I just glare at him. "Well no, since someone rudely interrupted our conversation". Ryan just smiles, proud of the fact he tried to embarrass me in front of this cute guy. "Can we grab something to eat while we are on our way back?", Vinny asks and we all nod. On the drive back I can't stop thinking about this guy, maybe I can ask Balz about him.

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