Chapter 13: Right here in my arms

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(time skip)


I'm glad that Chris and I figured everything out and have talked about the whole thing. I'm happier than ever before, and I know Chris feels the same way. Also, the rest of the guys are glad that we got our shit together and can carry on doing what we love. Tonight, we have another gig and I am excited as always. In the last weeks we finished a few new songs and tonight we are going to play them for the first time in front of a crowd.

The crowd is amazing, we still are a small unknown band, but our fan base seems to grow faster than expected. Playing a show with the guys is awesome as always. I love playing guitar and singing together with Chris. It really became a habit for him to smack my ass, or kiss my cheek, while performing, but I'm not complaining.

After the show we all decided to grab something to eat together. We invited Angelo and Josh who are always watching our shows and supporting us. We have a great night, the guys are telling funny stories and I have to laugh so much that my stomach starts hurting. I lean my head on Chris' shoulder, and he starts playing with my hair. "Aww, aren't they cute?", Justin coos and smiles at us. Chris playfully glares at him. "Ah Josh, I know it's a bit late for this, but I still have to thank you for forcing Ricky to audition for our band", Chris says to Balz. He just grins at us, "you're welcome." 

We stayed here for a while longer before Vinny and I start yawning. "Seems like the midgets are tired", Justin teases and Ryan starts laughing so hard that he spits out his water. I just glare at Justin and flip him off. "Do you want to go home, baby?" Chris asks me. Home, that sounds so nice, we are not officially living together but I spend most of the time at his place. I just nod and he smiles softly at me. We say our goodbyes and walk back to his car.

Back at his place, I don't feel that tired anymore, so we decide to watch a movie before going to bed. Chris is taking a shower while I pick a movie. He forgot to bring some fresh clothes to the bathroom, so he walks from the bathroom to his bedroom, dripping wet with just a towel around his waist. "Fuck", I mutter as I stare at him. He smirks at me and enters his bedroom. I mean sure, I see him half naked all the time, but seeing him like this was a sight that could cure depression, it was just insanely hot. I am so lost in my thoughts that I don't even notice him joining me on the couch, now dressed in a shirt and boxers, his hair still wet.

"You can shower now if you want", he says to get my attention back. I hurry to the bathroom, take a quick shower, and join him again. I am dressed in boxers and a shirt that belongs to Chris and looks like a dress on me. "My cute raccoon", he mutters as he puts me into his lap and puts a blanket around us. I immediately relax into his side and we start watching The Lost Boys.

By the end of the movie, I'm almost asleep so Chris carries me to his bedroom and puts me softly on his bed. He is laying next to me facing me and smiling. I return his smile. 

Since Chris and I got back together, or rather cleared up our misunderstandings about the situation back then, we haven't really been intimate anymore. I needed a bit of time to process it all and to be sure of myself again. Chris was of course completely understanding and never pressured me. But now I think I'm ready again. I still trust him one hundred percent, that didn't and would never change. I'm thinking about the best way to talk about it when he interrupts my thoughts.

(smut warning for the remaining chapter)

"I love you so much, Ricky", he says. I give him a playful glance, "Proof it, baby", I say. He looks at me questioningly and kisses me. "How?", he asks. "Make love to me", I say while I run my hand over his chest, down to his waistband. "Are you sure?", he of course asks. I shoot him another playful glare. "Yes Chris, I am", I laugh softly, while undressing him. 

"How do you want it?", he asks. "I want to be able to look at you", I simply say and he nods. He is grabbing lube and condoms while I take my shirt off. I look at the condom and then at Chris, "and I want you to come inside me, you don't have to use a condom if you don't want to", I smile at him. "Fuck", he just says while throwing the condom to the side.

Chris starts kissing me, my lips, my jaw, my neck, and then my whole body. I feel like there is no skin left that he didn't connect his lips to. He really knows how to make me feel good and I love how he always makes sure that I feel comfortable. After teasing me for what feels like hours, he finally touches my hard cock. "Please, Chris. I need you", I whine, and he slowly strokes my cock. I moan softly and he begins to kiss me again. He kisses my thighs and pushes one finger inside of me. I am a moaning mess now. He adds a second finger and stretches me open. 

"Please Chris, I'm ready", I tell him, "and yes, I'm sure", I add before he can ask me. He laughs quietly at my second comment and puts some lube on his member. He strokes himself a few times before entering me. He looks directly in my eyes to look for any signs of discomfort, but I just look at him lovingly and start moaning as he starts moving slowly.

"Fuck Ricky, you're so tight", he groans. I put one hand in his long dark hair to guide his face towards mine so I can kiss him. "Please, Chris", I say once we break the kiss. He starts kissing my neck, while moving slowly and carefully. I encourage him to go faster. "Ricky, fuck. You're so good, so good for me", he praises me, and I moan in return. 

This is probably the softest sex I have ever had and it's so perfect. With Chris it doesn't matter if we go fast or slow, soft or rough, it always feels perfect because he is always making me feel loved. I notice that I'm pretty close but I don't want it to end.

"Fuck Ricky, I'm close", Chris moans. "Me too", I say and kiss him. "Cum for me, baby", he says, "you are doing so good sweetie, be a good boy and cum for me", he says and starts stroking my cock. That's all it takes for me to reach my orgasm. I moan his name louder than ever before and feel him releasing inside of me. "Fuck, that was hot", I say grinning at him. He returns my grin and kisses me while slowly slipping out of me.

Chris stands up and I pout at him. "Relax, drama queen, I'm just getting a washcloth to clean you up", he laughs and I grin at him. He returns with the washcloth a few seconds later. I can't take my eyes off him as he carefully cleans me up. Once he is finished, he brings the washcloth back to the bathroom and crawls back into bed with me. I kiss him again and he is holding me in his arms. "He'll be right here in my arms, so in love", he sings and I laugh. We cuddle for a bit and shortly after I fall asleep.

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