Chapter 9: I'm ready

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(smut warning for this chapter)


Chris never told me what exactly he did to Jake, he just told me that I don't have to worry about him anymore and I trust him. I really trust him completely and also think I might be ready to have sex with him. We never talked about it again and he never makes some moves, since he doesn't want to pressure me. But to be honest, I'm way too shy to make the first move. When I was with Jake, having sex never was my choice, he always just used me when he felt like it. 

Right now we are at Chris' apartment as we are writing some new lyrics. Chris is fully focused and chews on the end of his pen as he goes over the last lines he has just written. He is just so hot when he is concentrated. Fuck. I crawl over to him, sit in his lap, and kiss him. Last week we started making out more frequently while cuddling but he never tried more than that. I was really grateful for this, but now I just wish he would make a move.

"Hmm", he moans in the kiss, "what did I do to deserve this?", he smiles. I giggle, feeling shy, "you are just too sexy all concentrated writing in your notebook". Chris laughs. "Am I?", he smirks. I just nod and kiss him again. He repositions me on his lap, so I don't sit directly on his crotch. "Do you want to stop working on the lyrics and watch a movie?", he asks. No, I want you to fuck me, I think. But instead of voicing my thoughts I just nod and smile at him.

So we are sitting on his couch while watching Sleepy Hollow. The movie is almost over, and I snuggle up to his side. I slowly put my hand under his shirt and run it gently over his chest and stomach. I notice how he gets goose bumps and his breathing changes. I slowly move my hand further and further down and he looks at me. I innocently look up at him and smile. "Fuck Ricky, you are really teasing me today, huh?". I just smile at him, kissing him while crawling in his lap. To be honest I have no idea how to seduce him, but I think it's working. He moans and my tongue enters his mouth.


Fuck me, what is he doing? I don't want to scare him away, but he is just so hot. I really want to sleep with him, but I know that he told me that he is not sure if he would ever be ready for this. But why is he doing this then? I slowly break away from the kiss to look into his eyes. "What do you want, baby?", I ask. "You", he just answers. I look at him confused. "Are you sure?". He smiles at me, kisses me again before looking back into my eyes. "Please Chris, I'm ready. I want this, I want you". I just nod, pick him up and carry him to my bedroom.

He is lying in my bed and looking up at me with those big blue eyes. Oh shit, how can he be so cute and sexy? I take my shirt off and see him blushing. "You like what you see?", I tease him. "Fuck yes", he answers and grins at me. I take my jeans off, leaving me only in my boxers and crawl towards him on my bed. He sits up and kisses me. I tug at his shirt, to ask for permission to take it off, and he nods. I kiss his lips and then start kissing his jawline, his neck, his chest, and further down until I reach his waistband. I look up at him and he nods again. I smile at him and take off his jeans as well. I start kissing my way back to his lips. 

I look into his eyes, pushing some hair out of his face. "You are so beautiful", I say. He blushes once again. "We can stop anytime. Just tell me and I will stop immediately." He smiles, "Okay, I trust you, Chris", he nods. I kiss him again. I remove his boxers and see his hard cock. It's as beautiful as the rest of him, but definitely bigger than I imagined. Not that I spend hours and hours imagining how his cock would look but you know...

I slowly kiss his tights, teasing him, before taking his member into my mouth. "Fuck", he moans, and grabs my hair. I smile at him, and see how he closes his eyes, leaning his head back against the pillow. I keep teasing him for a while, before grabbing the lube and putting some on my fingers. "You ready?", I ask. "Yes, please", he nods. I slowly enter his hole with one finger. He shudders. Fuck, he is tight. I let him adjust before adding a second finger and start to stretch him. I slowly fuck him with my fingers and quickly find his prostate. He moans loudly, "Chris fuck, please. Please fuck me." I kiss his lips and grab a condom. I look at him to see if he is sure about what we are going to do and he nods and smiles at me. I return his smile, put some lube on my cock and slowly enter him. "Tell me when you are ready, baby", I whisper in his ear. 

After a few moments he tells me to move. I slowly start pushing in and out of him. He is so fucking tight, I'm already close. "Please, Chris. Faster", he moans. So I fuck him faster, "Fuck baby, I'm close. You feel so good". I notice that he is getting close too, so I start hitting against his prostate. "Can I cum? Please Sir!", he begs. "You can cum any time you want, baby", I say confused, and he does so. Seeing him releasing on his stomach is all I need to reach my orgasm too. I slowly slide out of him and lie down beside him, stroking his face.

I look at him and notice that he blushes. Should I ask about this Sir thing? Maybe it's his kink? Before I could say anything, he already starts apologizing. I shut him up with a kiss. "No need to apologize, but I think we should talk about this", I smile at him encouragingly and run my hand through his ruffled hair. He nods, "I really don't want to ruin the mood, since this was fucking amazing but, well... I guess it was an old habit. You know, back then, I always had to ask and call him Sir", he says with a sad smile. I stroke his cheek caringly before kissing him. I look into his beautiful eyes and tell him, "You never have to call me that, or anything else, and you for sure don't have to ask to come, baby. I will only do things to you that you are comfortable with. I promise". He smiles at me and tears are forming in his eyes. Before I can say something else, he says "don't worry, those are happy tears". I return his smile.

Ricky yawns and slowly falls asleep in my arms. "I will always protect you, my sweet raccoon", I whisper before falling asleep too.

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