Chapter 1: Getting started

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The first days of living in Scranton were easier than I imagined. I found a job at a record store and even made a friend. Josh is one year older than me and works here too. He studies business management and works here to earn some extra money. We immediately clicked, since we both have a similar taste in music, and he is easy to talk to. He even offered me to help set up everything in my small apartment and showed me some cool places in my neighborhood.

I went to work in a good mood this morning, since I knew that Josh and I would have a shift together. Don't get me wrong, my other work colleagues were all nice, but Josh was a guy that I could already consider a friend and it's always fun to spend some time with him.

I am currently working at the counter and see Josh coming towards me with a panicked look on his face. "What happened?", I ask him. "I'm really sorry, but I have to leave now. Maria will come in about 30 minutes for her shift and if you need help, you can go to the manager's office, they are all nice and willing to help. My girlfriend just called me, and I have to go.", he says so fast that I was glad I could at least understand him. Before I even have a chance to answer he is already out of the door. I just hope that everything is okay. I only have two hours left on my shift and today seems to be a quiet day so I guess I will be fine. I take my notebook out to work on some lyrics. Even though I don't have a band or anything, I sometimes mess around with my guitar and try to come up with some songs. It's a nice distraction and helps me to cope with my past.


"Come on guys", I say, "let's see if Balz is working today, then we can ask him if we can leave some flyers there". The guys are nodding and walking towards my car.

I'm Chris, singer of Motionless in White. We are more or less a garage band consisting of Ryan our guitarist, Vinny our drummer, Justin our bassist, and me. Ryan and I met in high school and always wanted to be in a band. He met Vinny through a friend, and he joined us shortly after. Last year Justin moved next to Ryan, and they immediately became friends. Until now we are mostly only messing around with our instruments and have just a couple of own songs. So most of the time we just cover songs we like. But the metal scene in Scranton is bigger than you probably imagined, so sometimes we play in some bars which is quite cool. At the moment we are looking for a second guitarist since our old one moved away to study abroad. We were thinking about using some flyers to find some people that are interested in joining our small group.

Ryan, who is my best friend, is sitting on the passenger seat in my car and takes a look at the flyers I printed. "Oh come on Chris, are you fucking serious?", he facepalms. Vinny takes the flyer out of his hands and starts laughing. "Looking for a guitarist. You are good with your fingers, like heavy music, and want to join our band? Give us a call or message us. Scan the QR code for a sample of our music. Basic requirements: a bad sense of humor and a pretty face", he reads aloud while trying not to die from laughter. "Are you looking for a boyfriend or a guitarist?", Justin asks from behind me. I glare at him in the rear mirror, "What? I think it's funny and all the homophobes then won't even try to audition for our band", I shrug. Ryan gives me a smile and I continue driving. 

We arrive at the record store and enter with our flyers. "I will ask for Josh", I say while the others are looking at some records. I walk towards the counter and there is a guy I never saw around here before. I know I fall in love easily but fuck yes, this guy is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. He has shoulder length black hair, and the bluest eyes a human could have. He is wearing black eyeliner and has the cutest face ever. He has some tattoos, spider bites and is playing with his lip rings. Probably a habit. He is kind of small, like Vinny, and also really thin. I just want to hold and protect him. What the fuck am I even thinking? I don't know him at all! But he is just the perfect mixture of cute and hot.

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