Chapter 3

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It's been a week since I last spoke to Vladimir. I've been sitting in my usual spot in the park for a week now waiting for the Russian to arrive, but he hasn't shown up again.

"Huh!" I sigh and get up to go back to my apartment. I put my trusty cane on the ground and start walking again. I really hoped he would show today. I know how lonely it will feel walking home alone, so instead of going straight home, I decide to walk a little further, thinking and hoping that maybe I might bump into him again on this way.

I feel exhausted and I realize that I have been walking without paying attention to what my cane was touching. I struggle to recognize my surroundings.

As I stand there trying to think of what to do, my mind goes completely blank. I feel lost and helpless.

A sudden shiver runs down my spine and I feel exposed to everything around me, feeling like my blindness is a huge burden in this situation.

"Shit... I haven't had this feeling in a long time." Lost, unable to move, paralyzed by fear, alone with no one to help me. My blindness is becoming a big problem, I feel completely helpless right now, I don't know where to go and I realize how alone I really feel.

I fall to the ground and star crying, my loneliness finally hitting me as I begin to feel extremely vulnerable.

I'm crying kneeling on the floor, wishing that someone, anyone could be there with me to pick me up and help me.

Several minutes pass and suddenly I hear footsteps approaching. The footsteps are far away but it's enough to let me know that someone is approaching.

As the footsteps get closer the fear inside me starts to grow and I start to tremble slightly.

"Is... Is there anyone?" I say between sobs.

The steps seem to stop and suddenly I feel a hand on my back.

Before I can even react, my body is lifted off the ground. The sensation of being picked up catches me completely off guard, but my senses only heighten when I feel someone touching me.

"Who are you?! Let me go!" I say scared.

I hear a voice, very familiar indeed. I feel relieved as soon as I recognize whose voice it is and who is holding me.

"Sorry, but you were sitting on the floor." The Russian replies. The warmth of his body immediately makes me feel more at ease.

"Vladimir? Vladimir!" I hold him tight and start crying again.

His strong arms wrapped around me, protecting me from the cold ground I was lying on moments ago. I feel a wave of emotion and relief wash over me as his voice reassures me.

I bury my face against him, feeling the heat of his body against mine.

"Shh shh, it's okay, I'm here with you." Valdimir gently caresses my hair to console me.

"I was scared, I got lost and I was alone" I say with a broken voice.

He holds me close to him, my fear slowly being replaced with comfort as he holds my body close to him.

"You are not alone, I am here with you." he says, the way he strokes my hair is relaxing and calming. And the way he hugs me makes me feel protected, something I haven't felt in a long, long time.

I keep crying for a while but then I stop. "Thank you!" I say relieved.

The sight of her crying into his chest is something he can't help but find sweet, she seems so innocent and pure.

"Thank you... I was desperate, I don't know where I am. I'm lost." I say with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I'm here now." The Russian replies, still holding me tight. Then he puts me back on the ground and slowly begins to guide me in the direction he came from and towards the familiar area I was in before.

Blind Eyes and Icy Heart (Vladimir Makarov x OFC)Where stories live. Discover now