Chapter 11

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Yuri follows her calmly.

When I get to the bedroom I slide my fingers to the drawer next to the bed, he waits patiently as I'm searching around this small room. I open the drawer and take the device but while I'm typing the number Yuri grabs the device trying to take it away from me, but this time I hold it tightly in my hands.

"Not going to let you call for help so easily are we?"

"Let me go!" I bite his hand and in response he gives me another slap that send me on the floor.

The pain in my cheek is paralysing and my ear begins to ring.

"Ah ah're a feisty one, aren't you?" his eyes shine. He looks at his hand and notices a deep, bloody bite.

He kneels down next to her "I can't wait to see him get that call telling him they can't find you anywhere... I wonder what his reaction will be when he thinks you're completely gone!"

"Please don't do that..." I'm desperate.

"Nha... I think I will do it. We need to fix this problem and get you out of his life forever."

A telephone is ringing. "Да? Мы идем. (Yes? We're coming)." Yuri pulls me to my feet and starts to drag me out of the room. "Well, it looks like your ride is here."

He chuckles because he see how terrified I am. "Please stop!"

Eventually I get thrown into the hands of two large men. They immediately take control of me as they hold me tight.

"Заберите ее, как и планировалось, я не хочу ее больше видеть и слышать о ней (Take her away as planned, I don't want to see her anymore or hear about her)" Yuri commands.

They're going to follow Yuri's plan and get rid of me once and for all.

"Please, don't do this!" They don't listen to me as they drag me towards the vehicle. I'm helpless in their grips, they toss me inside. The last thing I hear before Yuri's men close the car's door is his sinister laughter.

I'm touching the inside of the car and I try to open the doors but they are locked. The men are going to take me somewhere remote and abandon me there where no one will ever be able to find me. I feel suffocated in this small space and not being able to see, the reality of the situation is overwhelming me.

"Please, don't do this! I didn't do anything to deserve to die like this!" I try to reason with them but they ignore me the whole time.

They move down dirt roads and I hear the vehicle hitting bumps and holes as it makes its way to this remote area.

After a while we stop and I hear the doors of the car open up and the men dragged me out of the vehicle roughly. Without saying anything they get back into the vehicle and leave me there, alone and at the mercy of events.

Panic assails me as I hear the sound of the vehicle getting farther and farther away.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..." I try to move and touch something but I trip and roll down a slope hitting a sharp surface with my body. The blow takes my breath away and I feel my blood running down my shoulder. "It hurts, it hurts!" I cry desperately.

I hold my shoulder in pain, the heat and the smell of blood hits me. "Vladimir! Please come save me!" I start crying and the fear of an animal attacking me is such that every noise I hear makes me jump with fear.

As Yuri had said, only time will decide my fate.


Meanwhile Vladimir returns to base after a long mission and is warned by the guards that Mariam is no longer in her room. He immediately runs into their room and notices the safety devices on the floor broken. His mind is blinded by anger "Где она!? Где моя женщина?! Как, черт возьми, охранники ничего не заметили?! (Where is she!? Where is my woman?! How the fuck is it possible that you didn't notice anything?!)" he screams furiously at the remaining guards.

Blind Eyes and Icy Heart (Vladimir Makarov x OFC)Where stories live. Discover now