Chapter 7

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Since that day Mariam moved to Vladimir's apartment but they spend most of their time at the military base where Vladimir has been clear with everyone that Mariam's safety has priority.

The room they share at the military base has been modified in a way that allows Mariam to move freely and easy to memorize.

He is careful about what he says around her and always makes an effort to try and keep her away from any of his criminal dealings and never leaves her alone when they are out in public.

Vladimir with Andrei's help is also cautious about how other soldiers treat Mariam and is quick threatens people whenever they try to get out of line with her.

In order to move around the base, Mariam is accompanied by soldiers or tries to memorise new areas while using the stick or running her hands over the wall.

Vladimir is patient about how slowly she has to adjust to this place and makes sure that the people around her are aware of her situation. He also makes sure that no one mistreats her because she is blind.

I'm currently alone in the base touching the window pane with my fingers, and feels the warmth of the sun brush against my skin.

A week passes and Vladimir still hasn't returned. It often happens that he is absent for several days on mission. So I decided to take a little walk alone to try and distract myself. Moving with my cane I reach the small garden that has been landscaped for me.

While I'm sitting comfortably on the grass and enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin, I hear a deep, harsh voice coming from behind me "Is it really wise of you to go out alone like this?"

With my eyes closed I turn towards the source of the voice. "Is anyone there? Who are you?" I ask.

The voice belongs to a tall masked man. "I asked if this was wise of you to come out by yourself. Isn't it risky for a woman to be walking alone in a military base, especially a blind one?"

"I know what I'm doing but you still haven't told me who you are." I say seriously.

He stays silent for a few seconds he does not give a straight answer. "I'll just say this. My name is Yuri but I could be anyone or anything. The point is that you need to be more careful especially in your condition." The masked figure replies in a flat and menacing tone, there is zero kindness or compassion in his voice as he warns me.

"Yuri? I've heard your name before," I say frowning.

"Maybe you have..."

When I feel him sit down next to me the tension in the air begin to thicken. His silence is deafening and I don't know what to expect from his arrival.

"What do you want?" I ask.

He takes off his mask and I hear his voice, clearer this time.

"I was just... watching... a beautiful woman all alone in this garden." Yuri says flatly.

I immediately sense the danger and pull a receiver out of my pocket, but before I can press the button and call the security, Yuri grabs it and takes it out of my hands.

"Give it back to me! Now!" I try to move my hands to grab Yuri's hand but in vain, my blindness prevents me from understanding where his hands are.

My hands begin to fumble around and he uses this to his advantage by grabbing my hands and restraining them.

"Oh, how ridicul... adorable you are... trying to find my hands in the void." Yuri says in a derisory tone, the way he took control of the situation was too easy.

"Don't make fun of me! What do you want Yuri!?" I said while he is still holdind my hands tightly on the ground. His hands are big and calloused compared to mine.

"I want to see what all the fuss is about, to see why my Commander keeps a girl in his personal quarters and see who has made him so weak that he can no longer be focus during our missions" the words came out of his mouth in a venomous manner.

"What do you mean?! I didn't make Vladimir weak!" I say irritated.

"Oh but he has... I've seen what you've done to his heart. You are his weakness and I bet he would give his life for yours in an instant. That's a weakness to him don't you think?"

He moves a little closer, resting his weight on my hands, breathing on my face.

"That's not true!"

"Of course it is, I've watched it happen..." His voice becomes more menacing now.

"I remember when he was so ruthless with no compassion to anyone back in the day. But now... now I've seen him show his own vulnerability for you. He tries to keep his guard up but you always find a way to get in his head."

"What's wrong with all this?! What's wrong with him loving me?!" I say.

His voice is getting louder and the tone is becoming more and more sinister. "There's something wrong with a cold blooded killer falling in love, especially with a woman like you! Don't you understand that's just not normal, it's not how the world works."

I jump at his tone of voice, managing to free my hands from his grip. "And that's why it bothers you?"

Yuri loosens his grip on her hands, allowing her to move away from him.

"It amuses me to see how willing you are to defend him and how even your anger seems to come from your love for him. Because most people he has met, especially girls, would just be scared or intimidated by all of this." he gestures with his hand as he finds it tempting to play this little game with her.

"You are different from a normal girl for sure, that much is clear."

Yuri grabs Mariam's arm with a firm grip and pulls her close.

"You little whore, you're ruining our Commander! Do you think he is a man who can afford to get distracted by someone like you?!" he says venomously.

The way he touches me is completely different from Vladimir's gentle way. My skin is scratched by his calloused hands and I can feel all his dangerous energy flowing through his grip.

"All because of a woman like you, our Commander is losing his mind. He has become weak and you are the reason behind it" Yuri says impatiently. "Your beloved Vladimir kills people! He commits terrorist acts against America! Do you think a man like him could ever truly feel love for a blind woman like you, incapable of taking care of herself!?" I feel his anger growing towards me.

The way Yuri keeps reminding me that I am blind and that I cannot even take care of myself makes me sad.

"He would never love a weak, useless woman like you. In fact, even if he doesn't show it or admit it out loud, he sees you as nothing more than an object to use when he needs a quick fuck!" He says so animatedly that a few drops of saliva reach my face.

I slap him in the face at the first try. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!".

Yuri falls silent immediately when he feels the sharp burn of her hand hitting him on the cheek. The gesture catches him by surprise, making him angry as he feels the stabbing pain of the blow. With his other hand he grabs a tuft of grass to avoid hitting her back.

"I'm just telling you the truth..." His voice is a little softer now but still very angry.

"What do you know about Vladimir's feelings for me!? You are simply arrogant!"

"Oh but I do know..." His voice becomes a bit louder. "I know that our Commander never used to care about anybody and he never was the type to let himself fall in love so easily. There must be something about you that has managed to weaken him and that's what I want to figure it out."

"Хватит!! Я достаточно наслушался! (Enough! I've listened too much!)" the voice is followed by a shot in the air.

Yuri makes his entrance! A black spot is forming in Mariam and Makarov's relationship, will it spread and tear them apart?

All comments are greatly appreciated, I'd love to hear from you all 😉

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