Chapter 13

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The hill is steep as we walk down through the tall grass. The hill is asleep, no animals are walking amongst us, no crickets are singing, no birds are chirping and the only sound I can hear is the faint echo of the music in front of us. I look at her, hair blowing back and forth following the movements of the grass, gently falling on her shoulders in a perfect tangled up mess. Her shoulders are cold as I see an army of little tiny bumps starting to form. And I admire her beauty, her plump lips slowly turning into a pale pink as it fights against the cold. They're slightly open as she is staring up at the stars. She looks at them the way I look at her, amazed that something that perfect can even exist. Her body is moving closer to me, her clothes laced with the smell I've learned to recognize, learned to love. If only I can feel what it is to be her clothes that cling to her body and hang from her bones. To to be the cold that's tracing each and every curve and shaking her bones. And now I can’t help but feel selfish. She deserves to be with someone worthy, someone who has something going for them, someone who has a family she can meet, someone who can give her fancy gifts and extravagant dates in exotic places. She deserves this. She doesn't deserve a thief and I can't help but feel selfish that she's here with me, a girl who has trouble following her every move.  

"I'm not safe." My voice surprises me as it cuts the silence. She doesn't say anything, bringing the bunny from her arms to her face, giving him a kiss as it squirms in her palms.  

"Kimberley, I'm not safe." I say it a little louder this time making sure she can hear me.  

"I never thought you were." She doesn't look at me; instead she keeps walking continuing to admire the stars.  

"I'll only get you into trouble. I'm always getting into trouble."  

"I like trouble." 

"Kimberley I'm being serious." she looks at me now and I cant read her expression. She sits down on the hood of the first car we finally managed to reach only a couple steps away and taps the space next to her. I sit down and look towards the light of the stage. The crowd is still alive as the flashing lights match their movements.  

"Babe? Where is all this coming from?"  

"I just don't want you to regret anything.".  

"Regret? What are you talking about?" 

"I have a pretty fcuked up past Kim, I've done a lot of things that I regret doing and hung out with all the wrong people, i"ve been through hell and back and i don't know, I'm not normal, i just don't want you to regret anything and leave." 

"Cheryl you have to get it in your head that I’m not leaving. I'm staying right here by your side. Your my best friend babe, and your not going to be alone anymore. Your past is your past and I'm here right now right? Lets just enjoy the rest of this trip and worry about our lives when we have to go back. And anyways, who likes normal? If you were normal babe I would have never given you the time of day." I laughed at her attempt to make me smile and gave her a little shove.  

"So your saying you only kissed me because you have some sort of sick obsession with crazy damaged people?"  

"I wouldn't call it an obsession." she laughs as I give her my best offended face. The bunny is casually sitting up on top the car next to us. Sniffing my bag, catching the scent of the carrots I threw in there.  

"Can't believe you just called me damaged." I laugh as she scoots closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I adjust myself so that she can hug me properly. She rests her cheek on my shoulder sending warm breaths into my neck as she talks.

"You said it babe not me and anyways your my gorgeous little damaged girl." I hug her waist and squeeze her as hard as i can.  

"Cheryl let go you're suffocating me." she laughing as she tries to push away from my hold. I keep her in place my head on her shoulders as she tries to free herself. 

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