Chapter 3

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I was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet staring at the little baggie at the bottom of my bag. Waiting to be swallowed and absorbed into my blood stream, so that it can destroy every origin in my body. One by one, poisoning and killing them slowly until it finally reaches my heart. You promised Cheryl. You promised that you were okay. You promised that you wouldn't think this way anymore. I wasn't stupid enough to do it in the bathroom of a crowded club, but I couldn't help but wonder how they would find me. Would they have enough time to call someone for help, or would they be too late. Aiden, leaning over my body, wondering what he could have done. Sarah wishing she would have done something. But the truth is, no one can help me. The only person, who can, turned on me, betrayed me and lost my hope in his existence. I had always believed in god as a little girl. But now I don't believe he was ever there when I spoke to him. How can someone so loved by me, let this happen?

"Cheryl? Are you in here? Were leaving, Nicola just went outside to get the car."

"Yea I'm here" I almost whispered it to her. I didn't feel drunk anymore. It had been almost 3 hours that we had been in this club. I hadn't seen Kim since she left with that boy. I had stopped drinking after the first hour and I spent the rest of the night dancing with Aiden or Jake. Nicola and Sarah spent that night with any guy they felt was a good enough dancer. I was happy when I was dancing. Dancing mixed with the alcohol helping me express my self in ways I didn't think would help me. It was like I was able to get lost in another world filled with music that made my mind numb and heart beat faster. But now I was sitting in a quiet bathroom and I was able to remember what lead me to this life in the first place.

"Cheryl? Open the door babe."

"No, I don't want to."

"Babe please, I don't like you being alone."

"But I do."

"You promised to let me help you."

"Leave me alone Sarah."

"I'm not leaving Cheryl. I didn't leave the first time and I'm not leaving now."

I let silence fill the room for a couple minutes before I reached over and unlocked the door. Sarah slowly pushed the door open and slipped in the crack and closed it again. Her hair was a little messy from the dancing and her eyeliner was smeared a little bit from one corner. She kneeled in front of me so that her eyes met mine and took my hands into hers.

"Tell me what to do." She had worry in her eyes and I could tell she was a little drunk by the way her words slightly slurred together to form a sentence. I looked down at her hand feeling a little tipsy as well and closed my eyes shut when I felt tears starting to form. I squeezed her hand in mine when I opened my eyes again, a tear quickly following.

"I need you to tell me everything is going to be okay."

She quickly brought me into a hug and I felt my self tense up as I tried to hold in my tears. She pulled out of the hug and gently started to dry my cheeks with her hands.

"Babe you cant let these thoughts take over your mind again, they're only thoughts. These thoughts are not going to be with you forever. I'm going to be with you forever Cheryl. These thoughts are going to come and go. So please believe me when I say that everything is going to be okay." She had pulled me into a hug again, this time letting myself relax against her shoulders.

"I love you Sarah."

"I love you too"

I heard a knock at the door and the sound of Jake's voice outside the door.

"We better go." Sarah pulled away from my embrace and pulled me up to my feet in the process

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head I pulled the best smile I could. Sarah led me out the door and outside of the bathroom. I didn't even notice that the music had stopped playing while we were in the bathroom. There was absolutely nobody in the club anymore and it looked odd with all of the normal lights turned on. I was surprised we hadn't been thrown out yet.

"How are we still in here?" I was talking to Tommy now who was putting away all of his gear into their cases. I tried to sound as normal as possible still shaken up by what happened in the bathroom.

"Hi to you too Cheryl." He flashed me his smile while he popped his head out of one of this cases.

"Oh yea I forgot to tell you, Kimberley's dad owns this club. That's why we got all those free drinks and Tommy's gig." Aiden came from behind the bar with a bottle in his hand and several beer bottles wedged in his pants, the belt keeping them held against his hip bones. He brought the bottle to his mouth and quickly took a mouth full. He looked at me and smiled while I gave him a questioning look.

"What? It was already open."

"So the first thing you thought to do was finish it off?"

"I had no choice, its vodka, it goes bad after its been opened." He laughed at his own joke. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit too. I looked around the room and didn't see anyone else there but me, Aiden, Jake, Sarah and Tommy. I sat down on a booth next to Sarah.

"Where's Nicola and Kim?' I knew Nicola was out getting the car but I didn't want to look like I was worried about Kim.

"Nicola will be back any second and I haven't seen Kim since we got here." I looked down to my finger nails and started picking at them. Why would she tell us to wait for her if she wasn't even going to come back?

"Ima go look around outside really fast, see if I can spot her and tell her we're leaving." I stood up from the booth and started heading towards the stairs. I felt a hand on my wrist and looked back to Sarah.

"Ill come with you." She stood up and I sat her back down.

"Sarah I'm only going to look if she's by the door and come right back, wait here I wont be long." I gave her one of my dimpled smiles and kept walking.

I was outside, the cold air lifting my hair up in the air and tickling my neck. I walked to the side of the building and looked into the ally. I didn't see anything at first but then, when my eyes adjusted to the dark, I made out two figures sitting against the wall of the ally. I started walking towards the people trying to make out if one of them was Kim. One of them looked up and I made out that it was the guy that took Kim earlier that night. As soon as we made eye contact, he quickly got up and pulled up the girl sitting next to him and threw her over his shoulder. Her body dangling over his arms, her arms and head falling against his back, like a lifeless doll.


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