Chapter 30

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"Chez we're drunk." She says with a giggle as I kiss her ticklish neck.

"Mmmm." I push her against the front door of her house, the headlights of the taxi barley leaving the driveway as I run my hand down her toned back. My lips kissing her softy over her neck. Leaving wet kisses on her jawline before I finally reach her lips. Her full lips part, allowing my tongue entry as she wraps her arms around my neck. The kiss quickly turns passionate and I cant help but want more of her.

"Cheryl." Her voice is filled with desire and I give her a slow gentle kiss before pulling away slightly and opening my eyes. Her breaths are heavy against my lips and I know she wants what I want but something's on her mind. My breath gets caught somewhere in my throat as she slowly begins to blink, her gray eyes sparkling to meet mine. She smiles before she speaks.

"I have a surprise for you." I lift my eye brows and she giggles. "Not anything like that, come on you filthy mind."

"I didn't even say anything." I say laughing as she grabs my hand and leads me to the couch, sitting me down and walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Patience babe, I''ll be back in a minute." I watch her as she runs up the stairs before taking off my heals. I bring my legs in and stretch my toes against the couch, freeing the tension built up from wearing the towering shoes. The room is slightly blurry around me and I bite my lip, making sure I can still feel the pain as I feel the vodka starting to numb my body.

"Tell me if you don't like the color, I can get you a different one." she sits next to me, dangerously close as she lays the perfectly rapped little box on my lap.

"Kim, I don't want gifts."

"Don't start, come on its nothing big. Just open it and accept my love for you." It takes me a second and I'm not sure if I heard her right.

"What?" I freeze and she suddenly starts to panic.

"Don't freak out Chez, I mean- I'm" She places her hand on my thigh and I quickly sit up to avoid her contact as her touch never allows me to think properly.

"I think I need to go for a walk."

"What? No." I feel my heart crumble at the hurt in her tone.

"Cheryl just stay, just forget what I said, I shouldn't have said anything knowing what just happened with Ashley, come here Cheryl, let's just talk about it."

"I just need to think things over."

"Think here, Ill leave you alone, just don't go out there by yourself." I grab my stuff and she reaches for my waist.

"Chez?" I ignore her, not really knowing what to say and before I know it, I'm running again.

I run down her driveway and into a nearby ally as I hear her voice calling for me. I don't notice until now that I'm barefoot as I cringe at the contact with the cold floor. I blindly place my feet where ever they chose to land, hoping that I don't step on any glass. I follow a little path and I begin to slow down, my bag in my hands as I feel the cold air rushing down my throat, filling my lungs with the memories of my old life.

Its weird to think about it. My life is completely opposite from a month ago. I'm no longer in fear of when my next meal will be, no longer worrying about where Sarah and I will sleep or how we'll get enough money to catch the next bus or train. Its weird to think everything has turned out fine.

I spot a bridge only one block away and pick up my pace as I slowly start to reach the bottom of the opening. It looked like every other bridge, Identical to the one I was on with Kim not to long ago. I reach the top and place my foot in the little hole, pushing my body up. I sit on the metal pole and slowly bring my legs around to turn my body towards the wind of the fast paced machines passing like a blur under my feet. I hang my bag on a broken wire and slowly readjust myself, my heart racing as the rush of being so close to the edge brings tears to my eyes.

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