Chapter 5

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We are in front of Kimberley's house. The air is cold and clean, sending shocks of goose bumps down my back as the wind traveled down my dress. It was an entirely new world here as I stepped on the balcony of her picture perfect house. Emerging from the front lawn are roses of bright violet reminding me of my past home, their color challenging the dark sky as the moon light didn't quite reach their bright blooming petals. Or maybe it was arriving to an actual home that was forcing back memories. It was another life that I strain myself not to remember, not strong enough to accept that somewhere deep down inside I will never feel at home again. A life that I surely missed as all the memories flooded back, holding on to them and pushing them to the back of my mind, unable to bare the truth.

Kimberley's grasp on my waist pulling me out of my haze I quickly held her weight on my own. Her thighs are on mine looking for a source of heat as she intertwined our arms closing any gap possible between our bodies. She insisted that she didn't want Tommy to carry her inside but here I was, the only thing keeping her from a bloody knee and dirty palms.

"Cheryl my teeth hurt" she has her head on my shoulder now, grinding her teeth against them as I felt her warm breath wrap around my arm. She let me led the way to her door step handing me the key, her face lost underneath her hair as if she was ashamed to show it. In front of the door struggling with the key, I began turning it in every direction possible as if this is all new to me. But it is all new to me; the club, the dance, the need to protect this girl I just met. But she isn't a stranger. She is anything but a stranger as I walk her into her empty home. She is vulnerable, filled with feelings that are flooding out all at once as her body tries to push out the unwelcome drug. It was all new and it scared me.

Right as I got the door open I felt her bite down on my arm and I jumped at the pain "Ow, Kim don't that hurts." I giggled at how clingy Kim was as I led her inside the door amazed at how big the house really was compared to the outside. Her laugh echoing mine, she followed my led "I'm sorry I really need to bite onto something." She was still stuck on me in the same position with her head on my shoulder, me admiring every detail of her living room. She looked up now staring at me, her weight pushing more against my body. I looked back at her,

"So the first thing you thought to do was to eat me arm of?"

"Mmmhmm." Was all she said as I looked down on her now shut eye lids. "Where is your kitchen Kimberley?" she didn't answer. "Come on babe lets go get you something in her stomach before your dad gets here."

The light coming to life as I lifted the switch revealed a very dazed out Kim. She had a face of a sleep walker, and had eyes that were dreaming, her voice the only reminder that she was still with me. I sat her against the wall making sure she was able to sit up on her own as I looked though the cabinets of her kitchen.

"Any requests?" I tried to lighten the mood as I caught her attention on me. She broke eye contact and rested her chin on her knees after bringing her legs up to her chest. "I really really want candy" Her gorgeous smile made its first appearance since the club and I suddenly felt my heart melt, her smile reassuring me that she was okay. I turned my attention to my bag and pulled out one of my watermelon lollipops, unwrapping it as I held it up to her lips bringing my face in front of hers. Closing her lips around the candy twisting and turning on her tongue, gave her teeth something to do other than grind together like they've been doing for the past hours as she has been nothing of sober.

Suddenly I saw the walls light up, but these weren't coming from inside the house instead seeping through the cracks of the curtains.

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