5.Can I Sit With You?

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Friends with benefits huh?

Today is the D-day, and the producer scheduled a FaceTime call with all of us.

“be in the [location] before 10qm everyone cause you all need to do some short Interview”

"Wait, so we only have 3 hours?" Lizzy questioned,

"You're right. You all have so many tasks to complete. You have the same schedule for today, so let your manager guide you. That will be all for today. See you, everyone," the producer conveyed as the call concluded,

I set my phone aside, feeling a mix of frustration and apprehension about the busy day ahead. "Why do I have to do this?" I muttered to myself, a scream building inside me.

then, a knock at the door signaled the entrance of my manager. "Come in," I welcomed him in.

"So, today you have a small interview with the cast at 10 a.m., and at 2 p.m., we have to get you ready because you have a flight at 8 p.m.," my manager informed me of the packed schedule.

"I'm so tired," I sighed, feeling the exhaustion creeping in as I considered taking a short nap

"Why does the producer want to go shooting in Hollywood?" he questioned, seeking clarification.

"How am I supposed to know? You're the manager here, remember?" I quipped, looking at the manager with a hint of playful banter.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," the manager responded,as he stood up

You and your manager had a strong bond together so your both comfortable when it comes to talking.

"Now, get up, we have a lot of things to," the manager urged, motivating me to start the day's activities.

"5 more minutes," I pleaded, craving a few moments of extra rest.

"Okay, you should be awake when I come back, okay?" the manager instructed before leaving the room.

As I raised my hand to acknowledge the request, my phone suddenly interrupted the peaceful moment. Surprised by the disruption to my nap routine, I glanced at my phone and saw a message from Gordon


Gordon ramsay

Care to join me?

Only us?

They left us

Okay let's meet 9:30

I'll pick you up

Sound good!


My manager had called my stylist to come over to my place, and as the door rang, I opened the gate to find my stylist waiting outside. We exchanged greetings and made our way inside.

"Okay, so today you are going to wear a (I'll let you decide what outfit you wanna wear) " the stylist suggested with a smile,

"I like your style, Jenna," I complimented, appreciating the fashionable selection.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Jenna responded with a grin, pleased with the feedback.

I headed to the changing room to try on the outfit and upon seeing myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Love it!" admiring how my outfit looked on me.

Friends With Benefits Part 1 || G. CormierWhere stories live. Discover now