23. Meet My Parents

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After overcoming the challenges and seeing my profile slowly returning to normalcy with the help of my manager, friends, and company, it was time to prepare for our return to the USA. However, before leaving the Philippines, there was one last thing I wanted to do - visit my parents in Cebu. The night before our early flight at 6 am, everyone retreated to their rooms to rest, but I decided to linger at the vanity desk to complete my night routine.

As I began my skincare routine, I noticed Gordon in the mirror, engrossed in his phone. The lights then turned off, Assuming it was a blackout, I casually asked him to turn on the lamp. To my surprise, when I turned to look at him, the lamp was on and he was sitting there, his face illuminated by the soft light. Startled at the unexpected company, I playfully remarked, "I haven't finish my skincare routine yet" to which Gordon chuckled and turned off the lamp, opting to use the flashlight on his phone instead.

Pulling up another chair, Gordon settled beside me, casually mentioning, "I'll just play at my phone while my flashlight is on" creating a warm ambiance as I continued with my skincare routine. Despite his casual demeanor, a flutter of butterflies danced in my stomach.

As I focused on my routine, Gordon's sudden chuckle caught my attention, prompting me to glance at his phone with a questioning look. "are you recording me?" I inquired, a playful smirk tugging at my lips. Gordon quickly reassured, "no I'm not, just continue with your skincare so you can look even more radiant" his eyes meeting mine before he added, "Oops forgot to mention, you're already radiant"

After completing my skincare routine I eventually announced, "I'm done," with a sense of contentment, signaling the end of the night's activities. We both retired to our beds, settling in for a night of rest and rejuvenation as we drifted into a peaceful slumber.

As the night unfolded into day, a soft glow began to illuminate the room, casting a gentle light over the peaceful scene. Stirring from my sleep at 3 am, I noticed the room was already bustling with activity. Everyone appeared ready to embark on the journey to the cebu, their energy palpable in the early hours of the morning.

In the midst of the morning preparation, Dallas called out, "Go wake gordon!" Hearing the directive, I made my way back to the room where Gordon lay sleeping, gently stirring him awake by shaking his shoulder. "wake up gordon were about to go" I murmured, the urgency of the upcoming departure tinging my voice.

As we arrived at the bustling airport, the echo of footsteps and chatter filled the air, creating a whirlwind of activity around us. Kiawentiio, her eyes widening at the sight of the crowded terminal, couldn't help but exclaim, "woah, what a lot of people here"

We navigated through the airport, checking in our luggage, going through security, and making our way to the gate for our flight.

With the boarding announcement signaling the beginning of our journey we gathered our belongings and made our way onto the plane, As the plane taxied down the runway, the sun rising in the distance, I looked forward to the new experiences and discoveries that awaited us in the cebu.

As we arrived at my parents' house in Cebu, warm greetings filled the air, and the familiar embrace of family welcomed the group.

My mom'sa eyes lit up with delight as they caught sight of us, their expressions filled with happiness and relief. "Aww it's so nice to see you all here" my mom exclaimed, her voice tinged with emotion as she enveloped us in warm embraces, welcoming us back home.

The timing couldn't have been better as the hot Philippine weather called for a refreshing treat. My mom had prepared a delicious mango float, a cool and sweet indulgence perfect for the heat. Eager to lend a hand, I made my way to the kitchen to assist my mom in preparing the delectable dessert. As I walk in I noticed I haven't seen papa anywhere

Friends With Benefits Part 1 || G. CormierWhere stories live. Discover now