New Characters

511 26 7

° Jenna °
-Your stylist -
° 07/25/2000 °
° 23 °
° American - Japanese °

° Jenna °-Your stylist - ° 07/25/2000 °° 23 °° American - Japanese °

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|smooth as a glider|

° Momona tamada °
° 09/28/2006 °
° 17 °
° Japanese - Canadian °

° Momona tamada °° 09/28/2006 °° 17 °° Japanese - Canadian °

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|as warm as the sun|

° Maria zhang °
° 08/08/1991 °
° 24 °
° polish - Chinese °

° Maria zhang °° 08/08/1991 °° 24 °° polish - Chinese °

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|cold as ice|

° Thalia tran °
° 04/20/2006 °
° 17 °
° Vietnamese - American °

° Thalia tran °° 04/20/2006 °° 17 °° Vietnamese - American °

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|pure as a melody|

New characters:
Momona tamada
Maria zhang
Talia tran

New characters ya'll I was wondering if I would add some characters

Friends With Benefits Part 1 || G. CormierWhere stories live. Discover now