chapter 7

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Back at home, Sungho couldn't sleep. His thoughts kept drifting to Taesan and the conversation they had shared. He took out his phone and found Taesan's number in the group chat. After a moment of hesitation, he pressed the call button. "Is he awake ??", Sungho wondered aloud.

The phone rang several times before the other person answered. "Hello, pumpkin?", his voice warm.

Sungho's heart skipped a beat. "How do you know it's me?", he exclaimed.

"Just a feeling," Taesan said. "How's it going ?"

Sungho took a deep breath before opening up to Taesan. "I'm not sure how to handle this, Taesan."

"You don't have to rush," Taesan said. "Take your time and talk to me."

"What should I do first?", Sungho asked. "How can I start this process of forgiveness with Jaehyun?"

Taesan's voice remain calm and steady. "Tomorrow morning, call him and tell him that you forgive him."

Sungho's eyes widened in surprise. "So soon? Isn't that too fast?"

"Forgiveness is not about rushing," Taesan explained. "It's about taking the first step, no matter how small."

"I can't just say that. You know how difficult it is for me to even talk to him because of what he did to me," Sungho exclaimed.

"I know it's hard, Sungho," Taesan said patiently. "But if you want to move on with your life, you need to find a way to let go of your anger. Forgiveness is not about accepting what Jaehyun did. It's about freeing yourself from the pain he caused you."

Sungho listened to Taesan's words thoughtfully. Deep down, he knew that Taesan was right. He couldn't keep holding onto the past forever. He had to find a way to move on.

"Okay," Sungho said finally. "I'll try."

"I'm proud of you, pumpkin", Taesan said teasingly.

"Stop calling me that," Sungho exclaimed.

"You are so cute," Taesan said not realising that he said it out loud.

"What??", Sungho replied surprised.

Taesan laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Sungho couldn't help but smile. Taesan always had a way of making him feel better.

"Thanks for the advice, Taesan," Sungho said. "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, pumpkin," Taesan said. "Anything for you."

Sungho hung up the phone and took a deep breath. He knew that forgiving Jaehyun would not be easy, but he was determined to try. He had been carrying around the pain and anger for too long. It was time to let go.

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