chapter 4

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"What the hell is going on then ?", Sungho yelled, his voice filled with anger and hurt.

His girlfriend quickly pulled away from Jaehyun, shocked to see Sungho there. "Sungho, it's not what it looks like", she said, trying to explain.

"Save it, I trusted you and you were here betraying me with my so called best friend", Sungho said, his eyes filled with tears. He turned to Jaehyun, "And you, I never thought you would do this to me, you were supposed to be my best friend". Sungho turned around and walked away, leaving Wonbin, his girlfriend and Jaehyun behind.

He didn't want to hear any explanations or excuses. He felt hurt and betrayed, and he didn't want to be around them anymore. As he walked out of the party, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He was glad that he found out the truth, even if it was painful. He knew he deserved better and he was determined to move on from this betrayal.

end of flashback.

"Jaehyun was really everything to me", Sung go said and continued, "But what he did that day, broke me. The trust I had for him disappeared completely. I couldn't be friends with such a person anymore and that's why we don't talk with each other anymore", Sungho said feeling a little bit emotional.

"I understand, thank you for telling us", Riwoo said consoling him.

"I had to tell you both one day, right ?", Sungho said and continued, "Let's finish eating, guys, we have a lot of work to do", he said.

Leehan looked at Sungho, and knew that it will be difficult for Sungho to forgive him and couldn't wait to hear what Jaehyun as to say.


"Both you and Sungho were alone at the meeting room, How was it ?", Taesan asked Jaehyun.

"Bad, we argued once again", Jaehyun replied.

"But why are you always arguing ? What happened between the two of you ?", Woonhak asked curiously.

"It's just a long story, but we have different ideas and we can't seem to agree on anything", Jaehyun explained.

"I mean what happened in the past ?", Woonhak asked once more

"Let's say that they was a little misunderstanding ?", Jaehyun stated

"That's what you always say Jaehyun. What do you really mean ? I want you to be honest with us today", Taesan exclaimed.

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