chapter 6

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"Wait what do you mean ?", Taesan asked Sungho.

"I mean... I mean", Sungho stuttered then suddenly all of them could recognize that voice. They all turn around and could see Jaehyun entering the restaurant, laughing with someone.

Jaehyun's sudden appearance at the restaurant sends shockwaves through the group. Sungho's unfinished sentence hangs in the air, leaving the others with a sense of unease. As Jaehyun approaches, Sungho's face contorts into a mask of pain and anger.

Just then, the person next to Jaehyun speaks up. "Sungho?!", his ex-girlfriend exclaims, her voice filled with surprise.

"You really have the audacity to call my name?", Sungho retorted, his voice laced with bitterness.

"Sungho, I...", she began, struggling to find the right words.

"Who is she?", Leehan asked, seeking confirmation.

"This is my ex-girlfriend, who cheated on me with my ex-best friend," Sungho replied, his glare fixed on both Jaehyun and his former lover.

A stunned silence descended upon the group as the realization of the situation sank in. The betrayal, the pain, and the shattered trust were all too evident on Sungho's face.

"You two really have the audacity to still hang out together despite what happened," Sungho said, his voice filled with anger.

"Sungho, stop it. That's enough !", Jaehyun exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me?", Sungho retorted.

"No, I am not kidding. I've been apologizing, telling you it was a mistake and that I was young and immature. But you are still saying the same thing again and again," Jaehyun exclaimed, his voice laced with frustration.

"A mistake? You call that a mistake?", Sungho questioned, his voice rising. "You broke my heart, Jaehyun. You betrayed me in the worst possible way."

The restaurant fell silent as the group witnessed the raw emotions swirling between the former friends.

"Sungho, I know I was wrong," Jaehyun pleaded. "I've been trying to make things right. I've been trying to apologize."

"But it's too late", Sungho said, his voice trembling. "You can't just apologize and expect everything to go back to the way it was. The trust is gone, Jaehyun. It's gone forever."

Tears streamed down Sungho's face as he turned away from Jaehyun, took his belongings and left the restaurant, his heart heavy with the weight of the past. The group watched in silence, their own emotions a mix of sadness and regret.

"Well, I have to leave you all and eat with her, see you all later at the office," Jaehyun announced, his voice laced with a hint of desperation.

As Jaehyun and his former lover left their sight, the remaining friends exchanged glances. "I can't believe they're still hanging out with each other," Riwoo whispered looking at Jaehyun and his ex girlfriend, "After everything that happened."

HATRED TO HARMONY ⋆ SUNHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now