chapter 3

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Jaehyun exclaimed in shock. He couldn't believe what his dad had just told him. The idea of working with Sungho, his childhood friend and recent rival and enemy, seemed both thrilling and overwhelming.

His dad chuckled at Jaehyun's reaction. "Yes, you heard it right! I think this project will be a great opportunity for both of you to strengthen your bond and learn from each other. Plus, your skills will definitely complement each other well."

Jaehyun took a deep breath, trying to absorb the news. He had always been competitive with Sungho, constantly trying to outdo each other in basically everything they did. However, deep down, there was a part of him that missed their old days of collaborating and supporting each other.

"Dad, are you sure about this ? I understand that this project might be important, but you know how Sungho and I are. We can never see eye to eye on anything," Jaehyun expressed his concerns.

His dad reassured him, "I do realize that there is animosity between you two, but sometimes, in business, we have to put personal differences aside for the greater good. I have faith in both of you. I believe that this project will help you realize that you can be both collaborators and rivals. You two have grown up together, and it's time to see the bigger picture. It's an opportunity for personal and professional growth."

Jaehyun pondered over his dad's words. He knew his father was wise and had always guided him in the right direction. Maybe, just maybe, working with Sungho could be an opportunity for them to reconcile their differences and find common ground. It was time to let go of their constant competition and embrace the idea of working together towards a common goal.

"Okay, dad. I trust your judgment. If you think this project is important enough for us to set aside our differences and work together, then I'm willing to give it a try," Jaehyun finally agreed.

His dad sounded genuinely proud as he responded, "That's my boy ! I'm sure this project will be unforgettable for both of you. Embrace the chance to strengthen your friendship and learn from each other. You never know what wonderful things may come out of it. I'll arrange a meeting with both of you to discuss the details."

As Jaehyun hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity. Working with his enemy might not be easy, but if they could put aside their differences and concentrate on the project, who knows what they could achieve together. It was time to turn their rivalry into collaboration and prove that sometimes, unexpected partnerships can lead to remarkable success.

The next morning

A-team 💓

Leehan is writing
at 8:30 am

Leehan :
Good morning, everyone!
Have all of you gotten a message?

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