chapter three

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chapter three - "disturbing behaviour"

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chapter three - "disturbing behaviour"


"There has got to be more to this dress," said Rebekah, though the dressing room curtain.

Obnoxious dance music was blaring through the speakers. Grace eagerly held out her glass, for it to be filled with champagne, which she desperately needed. She sat on a chair between Klaus and Stefan, who both seemed fed up with Rebekah's long lasting shopping spree.

"There's not," replied Grace, as she crossed her legs.

Her aunt walked out the dressing room, looking like a model straight off the runway. Grace had always admired her effortless beauty.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes then?" 

Klaus raised his eyebrows in a knowing look.

"You know," began Rebekah, "Grace and I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing," her uncle answered, wittily.

"And what is this music, it sounds like a cable car accident," complained the blonde.

"It's dance music, Bekah," Grace said.

"People dance to this?" Rebekah asked, incredulously.

Grace simply hummed in response.

"Are we done," Klaus interrupted.

"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah teased.

"I needed one thing from you for my little witches to find out why my hybrids are dying. One thing, your necklace. And you lost it." he snapped.

"I didn't lose it, it's just been missing for 90 years." before she turned to Stefan, batting her eyelashes, "What do you think," as she twirled around.

Grace scoffed at her aunt's obvious attempt to gain Stefan's attention.

"I like it," Stefan replied.

The blonde pouted, dissatisfied.

"What? I said I liked it," he exclaimed, defensively.

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan." she said, as she looked him up and down before turning to Grace.

"Grace, what's your opinion?"

"It's very pretty," Grace reassured her, with a small smile.

Rebekah grinned, and made her way back to the dressing room.

"Nice one. Good work. If Grace hadn't said anything, we would been screwed," Klaus said, sarcastically.

"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her," hissed Stefan.

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