chapter eleven

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chapter eleven - "bringing out the dead"

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chapter eleven - "bringing out the dead"


"Dad?" she breathed as she unconsciously moved forwards.

Her father whipped around and his brown eyes met hers. Without hesitation, the girl rushed towards him and brought him into a tight embrace, while she buried her face into his chest, savouring his homely scent.

"Grace," he gasped softly.

Elijah wrapped his strong arms around his daughter, for whom he had not seen in close to a decade. Of course they had contact, and of course he always checked on her wherever she was in the world, but still, he missed her glowing presence.

Slowly, Grace unwound her arms from his torso, and looked up at him, "What are you doing here?" she chuckled, before certain features of the room jumped out at her. The dagger in her uncle's hand, the open, empty coffin, and the dead hybrid on the floor, whose heart lay next to him.

The pieces clicked together in her mind, and she was utterly furious.

"Did you dagger my father?" she demanded, her voice dangerously low and her expression sharp enough to kill a man.

Klaus followed her gaze to the dagger in his grasp, to which he dropped it to the floor with a what seemed like a deafening clatter. Hesitantly, he met her eyes, while for the second time that day, shame flooded his senses. 

"Gracie..." he stuttered, his eyes pleaded.

Grace stepped around her father and slowly began to advance on her uncle. Elijah placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, to which she halted her in her tracks, her eyes still on the sandy-haired man.

"And after all this time, you didn't think to tell me?" Grace scoffed in disbelief as she shook her head.

"I didn't want to upset you," Klaus attempted to reason with the girl.

"Upset me?" she laughed bitterly, "Well then maybe next time, don't pierce a dagger through my father's heart."

Tension clouded the air, suffocating the both of them.

"Niklaus," Elijah decided to take the heat off the difficult conversation, "How about you explain why I must assist you in destroying Stefan Salvatore."

Grace couldn't help but notice her uncle swallow anxiously at the mention, which was particularly unusual.

"You might want to take a seat," Klaus advised, before turning to his niece, "The both of you."


Quite frankly, Grace still couldn't believe what her uncle had done, even though she already knew. It's not like she had ever known her grandmother, however she found the idea of Klaus ripping out her heart and blaming it on his father repulsive. She was shocked at how long he had kept the secret, and how he had survived it eating away at himself.

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