chapter eight

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chapter eight - "the new deal"

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chapter eight - "the new deal"


Grace wandered through the woods, her mind falling upon the events of the previous evening. After Stefan had saved her uncle, Klaus set him free from his compulsion. Neither Mikaelsons expected him to steal the family coffins, yet he did. 

"Don't get too cocky, Lockwood," Grace smirked, "After all, we all know who the Original is here."

In Tyler's hand was an arrow that Jeremy had shot at him, after Tyler had gloated of his newly acquired power of a hybrid.

Grace approached the two, elegantly stepping over fallen branches, her hands in her pockets.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler asked, rather rudely for Grace's taste.

"Rude," she muttered, before she turned to Jeremy, "Is he always like this?"

"Answer the question," sighed Tyler, exasperatedly.

"I was simply getting a bite to eat," she shrugged, wiping away blood from the corner of her mouth, "You two were making a rather large racket, and my curiosity got the better of me."

Tyler clenched his jaw, "Well, what a delight you're here," he exclaimed, sarcastically.

"I could leave," Grace suggested, drawing nearer to the boy, "Although, what would my uncle say when he hears that his hybrid purposely excluded me from having fun?"

Grace was pretty sure she saw a vein pop from Tyler's forehead.

"Come on, Ty," Jeremy reasoned, "Just let her stay."

"Fine," Tyler replied, his voice strained, "You can stay, okay. Happy?"

She glanced back at the young Gilbert and flashed him a warm smile, "Very."

"Why are you really here, anyway?" asked Tyler, while she wandered over to a log and sat upon it.

"I already told you," Grace frowned.

"Are you here to give me orders from Klaus?" he demanded.

"I'm not here for you," she snapped in response, her gaze shifted to the warm eyed boy behind him, and Grace couldn't help the corners of her rosy lips turn upwards.


"Is that really your best shot?" Grace asked Jeremy, who had narrowly missed the beer can he was aiming at.

Jeremy lowered the crossbow and turned to her, their eyes interlocking, Why don't you have a go then?" he offered, holding the weapon out to her.

"I don't mind if I do," Grace said, getting up from her seat, and taking it from his hands, their fingers brushing together, the touch electric.

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