chapter four

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chapter four - "the reckoning"

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chapter four - "the reckoning"


Mystic Falls

Their synchronised footsteps echoed through the deserted hallways. They walked through rows and rows of lockers and trophy cabinets, and yet they still hadn't found her.

"So this is what a high school looks like these days?" Grace asked, as she wrinkled her nose.

"I thought you went to high school," Klaus said, he turned to her.

"Yes, in a more dignified time," she muttered, "Like senior prank night? Haven't people got better things to do on a Sunday evening?"

"Clearly not. However, luckily for us, that means our doppelgänger is here," he replied.

"Your doppelgänger," corrected Grace, "I want not part in this tangent for power or army of hybrids. I'm simply helping family."

The two fell silent, at the sound of another set of footsteps, and a new voice, a corridor down.

They turned the corner as the infamous Elena Gilbert, who Grace had heard so much about, emerged through a pair of double doors. Grace supernaturally sped behind her.

Elena unsuspectingly turned, she sharply gasped at the sight of Klaus Mikaelson standing before her.

"There's my girl," Klaus smiled, maliciously.

"Klaus," Elena breathed, fear laced her words.

Elena whipped around, however she was greeted by Grace, who stood, her voice devoid of emotion.

Fury bubbled inside of her. This girl shared the face of the one who ruined her father, and her family, the bane of her existence. Even if she was not Katherine, it didn't hurt to make her pay.

"You're supposed to be dead," Grace stated, she tilted her head to the side, "What are we going to do about that?"

"This is my niece, Grace," Klaus introduced, "Her impatience is worse than my temper."

"So watch it," Grace hissed, finishing his sentence for him.

Klaus reached out and gripped Elena's arm, as he marched down the hallway. Elena squirmed, as she made countless, pathetic, attempts to escape.

"You put a rather large kink in my place, sweetheart," began Klaus, "The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids," he turned to her, his jaw set, "I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact you are still breathing."

"If you're going to kill me, just do it!" Elena cried.

"Where's the fun in that?" Grace asked, Elena looked to her, her large doe eyes pleading.

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