chapter nine

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chapter nine - "our town"

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chapter nine - "our town"


She trudged down the stairs in her fluffy socks, Grace still wore her pyjamas along with her 'I eat morning people' shirt. She was still furious with her uncle from the night before.

"Is everything okay?" asked Mindy, Grace trailed behind her, and took her place beside Klaus. Stefan stood opposite them, a cold hard look on his face.

"Everything is fine, Mindy. Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point," Klaus smirked, as he told his sired hybrid.

Stefan simply glared at him, before grasping a saw lying upon a table, and decapitated Mindy, her head fell to the floor with a thud. Blood splattered across the ground, to which Grace narrowly missed it with a frown on her lips.

"Well, one down," Stefan gloated, twirling the saw in his hand, "You may want to, ah, send the rest of them away before it gets messy, again." The blonde man sauntered away.

"Hey!" Grace called sharply after him, "Speaking of mess, you better clean this up, Salvatore!"


Grace; who was now dressed in appropriate day attire, which consisted of a dress and heeled boots, wrinkled her nose in disgust as Daniel, one of her uncle's hybrids, entered holding Mindy's head, her lifeless eyes pierced her skin.

"What do you want me to do with her head?" Daniel questioned.

"Get rid of it. Burn it," Grace demanded, "I don't care, Daniel, just get it far away from me."

The newly turned hybrid left, while Tyler now walked up to uncle and niece.

"You called? I'm here. What happened?" he asked Klaus.

"What happened," Klaus answered angrily, trying to keep his temper in check, "Is Stefan had two paths in front of him and he chose the path that made me angry. I need you to help me do something about that."

"Can't you just leave me out of his?" Tyler sighed, exasperatedly.

"What would be the point in that?" Klaus narrowed his eyes.

"Seriously man," Tyler whined, "Can't you just get one of your other hybrids to do your bidding? I lost my friends," the boy was now begging, "My girlfriend."

"Right, uh, your girlfriend. About her... I'm going to need you to bite her," Klaus told him, his tone nonchalant.

"What?" Tyler exclaimed in disbelief.

"Don't make him repeat himself," Grace interrupted, before lowering her voice to Tyler, "He's in a crappy mood."

Tyler locked eyes with her pleadingly, "A hybrid bite will kill a vampire."

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