chapter ten

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chapter ten - "ties that bind"

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chapter ten - "ties that bind"


"Uncle Nik," Grace called as she sped down the stairs, "Where are we going now?"

She suddenly felt the presence of another person behind her. Grace whirled around to be met by the sea green gaze of her uncle.

"We are going to pay the Salvatores' a little visit."


Grace sat upon the Salvatores' plush sofa, Klaus opposite her. They each held a crystal glass in their hand, which was filled with Damon's bourbon. Music blared from the speakers and shook the ground.

After what seemed like hours of waiting, the front door clicked open. Stefan walked around the room and turned the volume dial on the speakers down.

"Took you long enough," Grace muttered.

"What are you two doing here?" Stefan asked.

"Enjoying our stalemate," Klaus replied, taking a sip from his drink.

"What do you want?" Stefan demanded.

"The question is what you want?" countered Klaus, "My hybrids left town as you demanded, so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back."

"Well, see...Klaus...I'm not negotiating," Stefan said.

"And you understand, that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?" Klaus said bluntly.

"No, No. You leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years and we'll talk." Stefan told the fuming hybrids.

"I can give you another chance," Klaus offered, patiently, "Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal, before I allow Gracie to tear your head off."

"You make one move and I will drop-" Stefan began, until Grace cut him off.

"Yes right," she laughed, "Crazy Stefan," Klaus could not help himself when a chuckle escaped from him as well, "How is that working out for you? Any friends left?" Grace asked.


Grace stepped into the dark, eerie, basement. Cobwebs adorned every corner and blankets of dust coated the surfaces. Candles surround them, as their only source of light.

Distant footsteps drew nearer and nearer until the distinct silhouette of Damon Salvatore.

"You're late," Grace stated bitterly, as she stepped forwards from the darkness.

"What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less." Klaus smirked.

Abruptly, the candles burned brighter, and he fell to his knees, and clutched his head while he yelled out in pain. Grace shifted uncomfortably at the sight of her uncle helpless.

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