Chapter 7 - Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto

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Travis's POV

Even after the events of Friday and Saturday, Taylor still managed to tutor me, although this time, it felt different. Instead of the usual setup, she sat with her head leaning on me, watching as I typed, or I had my hand resting on her leg as she explained something to me. It was a subtle change, but it felt significant. We were closer now, more comfortable with each other,

As the bell rang, announcing the end of lunch, Taylor let out a soft sigh, her head resting comfortably against my shoulder. The weight of her head against me felt oddly comforting, as if we had been like this forever.

"I'll come get you from your last period," I said, feeling her warmth seeping into me, making everything feel just a little bit brighter.

"American history, room 142," she said softly, her eyes meeting mine, and for a moment, it felt like the rest of the world faded away, leaving just the two of us in our own little bubble.

I had told the guys I was going to bring a girl with me tonight but I hadn't told them who, I knew there was a high chance they would be asses to her but i wouldn't let that happen. I also knew if I told them who it was they wouldn't give her a chance and I needed them to, I watched as taylor walked out the library before i picked up my bag and walked to my class.

The three hours before I got to see Taylor again felt like months. Despite being seniors, we didn't have any classes together. She was in all AP classes, while I was lucky to be passing any of the regular ones. Every minute dragged by, and I found myself eagerly anticipating the end of the school day just to be with her.

"Hey, beautiful," I greeted her as she emerged from the classroom a few minutes after her classmates.

I wrapped my arm around her as we walked down the busy halls. I could see people looking and hear them whispering, but she was my girl, and I didn't care if everyone knew she was mine.

"I need to run to the music room to grab my guitar," she said as we strolled down the hall.

"Not going to lie, I have zero idea where the music room is," I laughed, following her around a corner.

"Lucky for you, I do," she chuckled. She led me down a hallway I'd never traversed before, into a room where some of the choir kids were slowly gathering. The sound of piano keys being played softly filled the air, accompanied by the chatter of students.

I waited at the door, watching her as she navigated her way through the room to retrieve her guitar. The way she moved with such grace and confidence was captivating, and I found myself admiring her more with each passing moment.

"So the guys are coming over to mine around 6, we have two and a half hours to do whatever my girl wants to do," I said, sliding my arm around her waist as we walked out to the parking lot.

"Anything?" she questioned, looking up at me with a playful glint in her eyes as I took her guitar and placed it carefully in the back seat.

"Within reason," I replied with a grin, opening her door and offering my hand to help her up.

"I have a few ideas," she said, her smile widening as she settled into the passenger seat, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Anyone else gonna be home?" She asked as i started the car. She looked over at me with a very specific look on her face.

"You sure tay?" I asked as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Very," I placed my hand on her thigh higher than I had done before.

As soon as we got to my house I took her up to my room. I had never actually brought a girl to my room before I had normally stuck to hooking up at parties but this wasn't a hook up. This was special and I needed taylor to know that.

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