Chapter Two: hOgFaRtS?

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Hecate stepped back, startled at the change of mood.

"That would not be necessary." She said softly. He shrugged.

"They think I'm a monster. It's true. I am. Let them think what they want, I don't care. But I'll prove myself if I must. Now, why are you here again? Do you...need something?" He raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"I—I have come to offer you a deal, Percy. Are you willing to take it?" He shrugged again.

"As long as it's not saving the world, I'm fine with it." 

She smiled. "It is nothing like that. It's to keep your mind off of things in the Greek world. You can rest and stay hidden there." The sound of that just sounded like pure bliss.

"What are the terms?" He asked. 

"Well, you stay hidden, get away from the gods, take a break, make new friends, maybe even get a girlfriend if you are ready, and you just have to do one thing." 

He tilted his head. "And what's that?" 

"I need you to keep an eye on Harry Potter." She said. "You see, I have blessed a certain group of mortals that were accomplices to my children, and they are called Wizards. They have settled themselves all over the world, but their stronghold is mostly here in London." Percy nodded, thinking.

"You can go to a wizarding school called Hogwarts—"

"Hogfarts?" Percy interrupted, then covered his mouth sheepishly. "Sorry. Couldn't help it." She sighed.

"You know what, it's better if I just transmit this information into your head." She touched a finger to his forehead, and a burst of adrenaline whizzed through his head. Images of a large red train, a giant castle, spell books, potions, wizards, and a guy with no nose, Hecate's blessing—


A guy with no nose? Percy paled as he remembered the snake-like person that gave him the potion.

"Is that—have I seen Voldemort before?" He whispered. She looked surprised.

"Voldemort isn't even alive right now. Currently, he's just a whisp of consciousness floating through a forest in Scotland." She frowned. "You've...seen him? That's not possible." Percy shook his head.

"I was just wondering." He lied. "Is he the guy that looks like he slammed into a brick wall and got shaved by Paul's special razor?" Hecate facepalmed.

"Yes, yes he is, that imbecile." She muttered. "Well. It's nearly morning, I'll get you a reservation at The Leaky Cauldron right away. You'll be befriending Harry Potter today. Here's your wand—" She shoved a stick into his hand. "Dragon heartstring and cedar. Your trunk, books, cauldron, uniform, and all your other belongings are there." She snapped her fingers and a large trunk like Neville's.

"Wait, you're just going to send me there right then and now?" He asked confusedly. She nodded.

"Of course. After all, you can't go into hiding for long. I gave you my blessing, so you should be fine. Now, you better go somewhere before your cousin sees you in the morning." She furrowed her brow. "Oh, and I need you to look younger." 

"What?! Why?" 

"Because you need to fit in with the 3rd years, why else? And you need to befriend Harry Potter." 

An image of the boy Percy saw on the road flashed to his mind. 

"That was Harry Potter?" He asked, fingering his wand. "Ohhh. That makes so much more sense." She nodded curtly and zapped him.

"Hey!" He started to become his younger 13-year-old self again, short, less scars, no SPQR tattoo, but his black iris and grey streak was still in place.

"Aw man. I thought this thing would go away." He pointed to his eye. Hecate shrugged. 

"Nemesis' power is quite wholesome. I don't think I can cover it." Percy groaned.

"Now they're going to ask me about it." He mumbled. She stared at him amusedly. 

"Off you go, Percy Jackson. I have great plans for you." She waved her hand, and he disappeared in a bright green light.

Line break sponsored by Moldyshorts

Percy appeared in an alley behind a building. Diagon Alley, he remembered. Hecate's memories were helping him a lot. He gave a silent thanks to her and looked around, his wand clutched tightly to his hand. His feet directed himself to The Leaky Cauldron, as if he came there all the time and was just heading over there for a brief cup of coffee.

And then he just realized that he looked 13. Great. Awesome. Very suspicious. He panicked as he neared the pub and entered the doors.

"Uhm, hey." Percy smiled nervously and realized his voice sounded higher. Internally, he was screaming his head off wondering what the Tartarsauce he was doing. Tom smiled a toothless grin.

"Why, hello there!" He chuckled. "What are you doing here without your parents? Are you lost?" Percy blushed.

"No, my parents are traveling, and they sent me here to stay until the summer ends. Uh, it's under the name Percy Jackson?" His palms sweated as he stared into Tom's old eyes nervously. He thought for a moment.

"Ah yes. I remember now. Come along now, Mr. Jackson. I have a room booked just for you." He flicked his wand, and Percy's trunk hovered in the air. 

Great. A flying trunk. How nice.

He was led into a cozy-looking bed with old-fashioned wooden furniture, a small fireplace with a warm fire crackling in it, and a large bookshelf filled with books.

Percy squinted his eyes and found that the books were in ancient Greek.

"Make yourself comfortable, Mr. Jackson." Tom smiled kindly and backed out of the room. "Call me if you need anything." Percy nodded, his eyes fixated on the room.

"Thanks, Tom." He murmured absentmindedly as the door closed shut with a soft click. He immediately went over to his trunk and opened it. Inside, there was a note written in ancient Greek.

Dear Percy,

Do not forget that Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, are out looking for you. They will try anything in their power to recruit you along with the death of Harry Potter. Be safe and do not leave Diagon Alley under any circumstances.

Sincerely, Hecate

The note disintegrated the minute he finished reading. He shuddered. Voldemort looked creepy asf,  Percy decided. He never wanted to see that stupid-ass face again.

He gazed at the fluffy pillows and comforter that was on the bed, and thought to himself that a short nap wouldn't hurt.

After all, the Fates surely had to give him a break, right?

Well, that was certainly wrong.

A Cursed Hope (Sequel to A Dark Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now