Chapter Five: Bighead Boy Inc. makes fAbUlOuS badges

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"I still regret the day you got that monster." Ron cringed as Crookshanks hissed at him. Percy just stroked Carita silently, her purring calming his jumpy nerves.

"I can't wait to see what Draco would say about George's new prank sweets. I wonder if Percy could hand it to them, since he doesn't know them that well." Harry grinned.


"Oh joy." Ron grumbled as Mrs. Weasley shouted his name. "Another day of mum yelling at me. We've already looked forward to meeting dRaCo on the Hogwarts Express, I don't need anything more." Harry nodded, a half sympathetic and amused expression on his face as Ron left the room.

"What's so bad about this Draco dude?" Percy asked, scratching his cat behind the ears.

"He called Hermione a Mudblood—" Harry started but got cut off by being shoved aside.

"When do we leave? I need to boil someone's blood right now." He marched towards the door, but Hermione grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back.

"You're not boiling anyone's blo—" She stopped herself. "Wait, did you just say, 'boil someone's blood?!' What the hell, Perce?"

"I—I meant beat the crap out of." He lied. "It's a saying we use in America, that's all." Hermione nodded, interested.

"What else do you say in America?"

"Well, there's—"

"Mother says you two should get to the front of the bar with your items packed." A posh voice interrupted.

"Well, excuse me, Percy Weasley." Percy said dryly, eyeing the badge on his chest. "I didn't know that the Bighead Boys Inc. made prefect badges." The Weasley blushed as red as his hair and shuffled out of the room uncomfortably, covering the badge with his hand.

"I will make sure to keep an eye on you, Perseus Jackson." He retorted, closing the door before Percy could say anything.

"IT'S PERCY! NOT PERSEUS!" Percy shouted, clenching his fists. Carita jumped up in surprise and leapt under the bed.

"I hate Percy." Harry grumbled. "Not you, Perce." Percy nodded, crouching under the bed to try and coax Carita out.

"I do too." He said, his voice slightly muffled. "Carita? Caritaaa? Cari—OUCH—"

Harry burst out laughing when he saw the cat clinging onto Percy's face with her claws.

"This is going to be a long day." Percy sighed.

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Percy winced as Mrs. Weasley kissed him goodbye.

"Be good, Percy." She whispered. "I may not know you well, but I'm sure you have great ways ahead of you in Hogwarts." Percy nodded and stepped on board.

"Bye Mrs. Weasley!" Hermione called, waving her hand wildly.

"Hey, where's Harry?" Ginny wondered. "He's not on the train."

"Over here!" Harry ran up and jumped on with his trunk just as the whistle blew. "Let's go find a compartment." The Weasley twins waved to join Lee Jordan and Percy Weasley waved to Penelope Clearwater, another prefect.

Ginny sniggered. "He fancies her." She sang in a mocking voice.

"Hey, can I talk to you two in private?" Harry whispered to Ron and Hermione. "Sorry Percy." Percy shrugged. He was used to being left behind.

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