Chapter Eight: Talking Hats are bloody weird

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First thought when Percy saw the station:

Annabeth would've liked this place.

That one sentence pricked a needle coated with poison in his heart. The pain would fade sometimes, but it would always throb slightly no matter what.

"Hey Perce, you ok?" Harry asked, elbowing him gently. Percy shoved the thought of her away and forced a smile.

"Yeah, just thinking. Are you ok? You just had a showdown with a dementor."

Harry laughed nervously. "Sorta. The chocolate Professor Lupin gave me helped." They scrambled to get off the train, trying to keep up with the crowd.

"Firs' years this way!" A booming voice called, and a giant man ushered the seemingly tiny first-year children—which included Sylvia—bustled over to their traditional boat ride across the lake.

"Woah." Percy's jaw dropped as he saw at least a hundred carriages aligned on the muddy track, all attached to two winged skeletal horses, black as midnight.

"What are those horses?" He asked, pointing to them. Harry frowned.

"I...can't see anything." He squinted. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Percy shook his head vigorously and stared at the horses again.

"I'm sure they're there..." He said, approaching them. He held out a hand, and the horses leaned closer.

My lord! One of them whinnied. Percy stepped back, startled.

Then he remembered that he was a son of Poseidon.

Seaweed brain, he said to himself, but the needle in his heart pierced it further.

Everything here reminded him of his past life, and he hated it.

Oh well. More pain and suffering for him, he thought.

Note once more the totally not inherited sarcasm.

"C'mon, Perce!" Ron called, waving him over to the carriage. "You're going to be sorted! I can't wait to see which house you're going to be put in!"

"Just don't be a Slytherin, k?" Harry teased half-heartedly. Percy forced a laugh, but somehow a prick of doubt wormed it's way into his mind.

The carriages took off, gliding in the sky gracefully. A clear night would've been nicer for Percy's mood, but it was dark and cloudy. The ice cold feeling from the dementor incident filled his chest again, and he felt lightheaded. He glanced over to Harry and saw that he didn't look that great either.

"You ok, dude?" He whispered. Harry nodded, looking a bit cross at everyone fussing over him. Even Ron and Hermione occasionally shot concerned faces at him.

They were silent for the rest of the trip.

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The four of them were walking down the bridge towards the castle, admiring the night sky, which had cleared of the clouds. It was speckled with stars above them, the moon washing a faint pale light around their faces.

"Potter!" Draco came up to them with his goons, drawling. "Is Longbottom right? Did the dementor scare you so much that you fainted?" Malfoy pretended to faint putting his hand on his forehead.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Ron hissed, glaring at him. Malfoy put a hand on his heart with mock fear.

"Oh, did you faint too, Weasley?" He sneered. "Did the scary old dementor frighten you too?" He glanced at Percy. "Who are you?"

A Cursed Hope (Sequel to A Dark Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now